Better than the first movie...

I remember going through almost every horror movie possible with a friend back in college. One evening, we came upon House. Long story short, it was depressing and boring to say the least, and was a far cry from most other american horror movies. We had nothing to say about it at the very end. We wanted our time back, and we are usually pleased with all movies to some degree.

A week later, I came upon the sequel. We had a hard time amping ourselves up due to the disapointing first movie. But after watching the trailer and the "punny" subtitle "The Second Story" it was a no-brainer.

What a huge amount of fun the second movie was. We cracked ourselves up all throughout. FRIGGIN' DINOSAURS MAN. It injects more fantasy and comedy into the mix. It never bored. Grandpa is a kick ass character and his pet is just so cool.


I just finished this. Im' 36. I haven't seen this since I was maybe 9. And it's really creative! As a writer, I can't see anything wrong with this. It really stands out amongst all the crap. It's stylish and mixes everything together and had some great puppet fx.

I could see a remake happening. The idea was solid.




It was marketed as a horror movie, but it's more of an adventure fantasy with horror elements. If it was remade today, it could easily pass as a "teen fantasy" film with major CGI. It's basically along the lines of The Mummy (with Brendan Fraser) and The Sorcerer's Apprentice (with Nicolas Cage) or even Harry Potter.





House 2 may be slightly better but, House was the first and I loved it as a kid.



I truly love them all. But I'm actually most fond of the third one, which is actually titled House IV! Don't get it confused with House III: Horror Show. Still a lil fuzzy on how THAT happened.
