Best WTF Moments In GPK Movie

For me, the best WTF moment in this movie was the part where the Garbage Pail Kids broke out from their prison (actually some abandoned Home Depot). God, that scene actually dragged on longer than the ending of "Return of the Kings"! It just went on, and on, and on!

Another personal favorite: the fight scene in the antique shop that takes place earlier in the movie proves why no one has since choreographed a fight scene in an antique shop in movies (seriously, even Jackie Chan couldn't do justice to that scene!).

One last moment: when the GP Kids crash the bully's car, I always laugh at how the tire rolls past him:)


There were some pretty random things in that movie. But I loved it anyway. I think what got me was when Phoul Phil kept asking everyone if they were his mommy. :)
And the whole Tangerine/Dodger Romance thing. He was 12, right? And she was...what...19? *shrug*

"You give up a few things, chasing a dream..."




when greaser greg first meets dodger and tells him to get off his turf then starts hitting him...that makes me crack up everytime i see it..

also when ali gator is looking at the stuffed alligator and asks dodger, "Did you do this? You wanna know what its like to be stuffed? RRRRrrrrrrr.." that is some funny *beep* the growl at the end is priceless.


wait a minute, you're telling me this movie is socialist propaganda?

R.O.D the tv...nuff said


best wtf moment would be this ugly people's jail. Just look at the cage doors, when one of the top ones are opened you can clearly see that it is made of cardbord. Also in every single "cell" there is only one person sitting?! only one variety of every ugly guy, and look at the hairy guy, he has weird patches of hair all over himself, and them claiming its "high security"... that made me lol.

The "basic instinct" scene was also a big wtf.

and when the uglies fight against those other guys after the fashion show, all the models are running in circles. The same models run past them multiple times, hilarious.


i just found it odd that the subplot was that the kids were "looking for the rest of their friends"...they only discussed this briefly, looking in trashcans and calling names. they were hoping they would see their friends in the sate home for the ugly, and when they weren't there (cap'n manzini confirms that "it was too late for them") no one was upset or seemed to care?

did anyone else find that strange?

i remember seeing this movie when i was like 4, and being all about it. i was so into it, that i asked my great-grandmother to write "garbage pail kid" on a piece of paper to i could pin it to my shirt? (i was a strange child) anyway, i couldnt read or write very well at the time, so i didn't even notice that the small piece of notebook paper simply said "garbage".


that's seriously the funniest thing Ive read all day. My grandma hated this movie, actually my whole family does...actually now I kinda do too.

Buster:I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!


oh! i almost forgot!

the random part where they show juice backstage at the fashion show, and he is making some kind of generic "bad boy drug dealer" phone call? he's all like "let me know when the stuff gets over the border"...hahaha bad ass!


When Windy Winston lets out 1 of his radical farts in the bar & the bartender's mousetache somehow falls off.

Talk about What The Fu*k? :p



What about when Messie Tessie fixed the TV.

And I agree, it was hilarious how the other Garbage Pail Kids were killed and nobody seemed to care. And it was so obvious that they were killed just because they didn't have the budget to make more GPK muppets.


That song We Can Do Anything By Working With Each Other is the best wtf moment ever. I crack up every time Greaser Greg starts randomly singing.


WHY should we do something nice let's quit now thats my advice!

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)



The State Home for the Ugly. I remember seeing it as a kid and it somehow made sense then. I didn't even think about it twice.

I saw it 20 years later it scared the *HELL* out of me. W. T. F.


when i first seen the movie i first saw the part where the gpk were tearing off
the models dresses that made me go wtf and i was 4or 5 i saw it again when i was 9.


This whole movie is one giant WTF moment.

My Signature: None of us is as dumb as all of us.


Man I just watched that movie tonight and I am just dying. That whole State Home for the Ugly??? Ghandi is somehow in there and the clown whose acts like he is on X trying to do the ball trick that you only can do while doing X. LOL.

The Non Union Sweat Shop just blew my mind. Where or how that came up is beyond me. And these guys magically sew Michael Jackson outfits???? Even though they have no idea what time period they are in.

THe Alligator person eating the bikers toe and though divine intervention from Jesus lives and no one cares including the biker.

The greaser guy going into a safe with one of the girl GPKs?? TO make out or something?? A safe??

I was a little too young for this movie when it came out but this was weird and HI-larious.


LOL, it was.

My WTF moment was, what was that He-man woman friend of Tangerine?? LOL.

Also, Basic Instinct came out in '92, I think. Sharon Stone stole Tang's moves, LMAO!!!!!

Come on, Franklin! It'll be a fun trip!


The fact that the old guy gave the teenage kid a bath and all the Garbage Pail Kids stood around and watched him lay in the tub?
