Saddest Part?

for me, its the poor little flower all alone, then dying. the cars getting crushed is second. what do you think?


The flower scene.

"What you want me to come out looking like you, cactus butt?"


I agree completely. The flower scene stunned me by the sheer tragedy of it.


The flower. It's unexpected and it's stuck in the middle of a scene that focuses on a bunch of random happiness and whimsy and mirth and stuff. The juxtaposition gives it more impact. And it's totally forgotten by the Toaster seconds after it happens. It's never brought up again, although it does cause Toaster to re-evaluate his relationship with Blanky.


The flower scene is curiously affecting, although the notion of being left behind by your Master was way more affecting and stayed with me through the film. I don't think I ever viewed throwing stuff away the same way again :P

Who busts the Crimebusters?


1) The Flower Scene - Totally killed me..
2) Blankey's Dream and some of his quotes - "Master!~", "I'm not scared..", "Help! Don't leave me!"
3) The Cars - Do I need to say it?
4) When Blankey's holding onto Rob's leg when they're on the convaterbelt, going where ever his Master goes...

-bursts into tears- It's so beautiful....!!..

"You have to heal the...the dark crystal" -Kira


The junkyard scene with all the old cars reminiscing before they get crushed was one of the most pessimistic sequences I've ever seen in a kids movie. They're all so creepily resigned about what's going to happen to them.


Yeah, it's weird, but the cars survived; they were just being turned into a different metal. It was sad, but it entertained me more because of the singing when I was little.


I was more affected by Blankie's dream and his quotes more as a kid. I was bawling my eyes out when the dream sequence came up. I don't think I ever cried that hard over a movie when I was little. Same can be said when he's hanging onto Rob on the convaterbelt. *beep* sad,man.

The flower scene and the cars never fully affected me until I was older. I think it was because I was a stupid kid, and never let it fully sink in or thought about it. Then again, it was a very complex and deep film; so understanding every ounce of it would have been a shock. The song never made me think twice. Granted anything involving Blankie always makes me shed a tear now, but those two scenes kill me. It's so beautiful, but so tragic.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


the cars and flower defo


I don't remember Blankie having a dream! I'll have to watch part of it again on youtube.


I cried when the red Plymouth Superbird got crushed in Worthless. For his short existence, he was undoubtedly my favorite character when I was little. Even when I watch it now, I'm somehow affected by it.


But it was a catchy tune, huh?

I mean I know it was sad, but you can't help but get a jingle out of that. XD

"You know what's funny? People. People are funny."


The scene where Blankey looks out the window and sees a car coming and thinks that the Master is coming back and has a fantasy about the Master coming into the door but before Blankie can hug the Master the fantasy ends and Blankey sees that the car is driving away and he cries. SO SAD! POOR LITTLE GUY!


The flower scene, totally. I remember when I was little it just broke my heart - I couldn't even watch it, it made me want to cry every time.


It's a very powerful scene, and the music just makes it even more moving.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)



Seconding ingke. That's just a great moment.


To me, it's a tie between the flower scene and the scene where Rob fixes the air conditioner.

"As the Red Faction, we MUST save our area!"
