MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) Discussion > Compared to your childhood: Do you have ...

Compared to your childhood: Do you have different favorite characters now?

Watched the show the first time starting when I was around 11. Had my favorite characters then. Now I'm rewatching the series for about the 3rd time...being close to 40. And I have to admit that my likings for some characters changed. Some examples:

Worf bored me as a kid and I never liked the whole storyline. Now I find the whole Klingon Culture a lot more interesting. Still not a big fan of Alexander though.

Data was my hero as a kid. Still like the character today, but - especially in the movies (floating Data in Insurrection) - he became more and more of a comic relief character. Don't like that part.

Wesley: No changes....still the worst
Tasha: a close second to Wesley - also unchanged

Picard: Liked him as a kid, but now even more. Great actor.

And I always had a weak spot for Riker. All imperfections aside. Just like the guy (and the actor, he just looks like he's having fun) and he has some good episodes (Second Chances, Frame Of Mind, Chain Of Command, Peak Performance) where I really enjoyed Riker (and the good acting by Frakes)

What about you guys? Any changes in your likings?




I guess I find Troi less attractive than I remember. And also more useless. Guinan was much better at giving advice and counseling.


Riker probably went from third or fourth to second. Picard stayed at the top. Now I would say:


Like you, I used to like Data most. But now it's Picard. He's the best!


Mr. Sock was my favorite character both now and as a child, but as an adult I'm fond of him for very different reasons!

Smart kids and teens tend to love Spock because he's so emotionally immature - afraid of his feelings, fighting with his parents over the choice if a career, bonding with a best friend rather than a spouse, etc. So kids can relate to him, but since he's so much smarter and more badass than smy kid he can represent their adult aspirations as well (and they can do worse for a role model).

As an adult, I love him because he's brilliant and badass, but also because he deals with his issues with immense compassion, humor, and benevolence. Shoot, gotta go.

Edit: And because his appearance on TNG and in the reboot films confirmed something I'd always sort of assumed, that he was indeed young and immature for a Vulcan during his days on the Enterprise. When he grew up, he stopped taking orders from humans and changed the galaxy!


Nope. I liked Worf then, I like Worf now.


I used to like Riker as action hero. Now I think Worf was cooler.
