MovieChat Forums > Full House (1987) Discussion > Was Jesse too hardcore for anyone else?

Was Jesse too hardcore for anyone else?

He was such a tough as nails bad ass listening to hardcore bands such as the Beach Boys. Or when he had the band practice late one night and the band sung "do wah diddy" with Michelle on vocals. As a kid, I remember thinking "It's not possible for someone to be this satanic and this hardcore."


First of all the Beach Boys are not a "hardcore" band, they are soft rock at best but yes Jesse's band lacked any form of testicles. He acted like he was some kind of cool badass yet when you take a look at his setlists he is anything but, JATR are really more of a Doo Wop cover band and it's really pathetic. The worst was when he covers the freaking Cinderella Theme in Season 6 and then he thinks "Forever" is a "cool song" when it's really just your standard, sappy love ballad, nothing intelligent or groundbreaking at all about the lyrics.
