Just as bad as Troll 2
It really is.
shareThat statement is absolutely absurd. Look at the sheer craftsmanship of 'Troll' compared to actors with stuffed burlap robes wearing masks in a movie that calls itself Troll 2 (simply to cash in on the Troll fanbase.)
shareTroll is actually an enjoyable little movie.
True its a highly ambitious low budget independent film and as such it has a few production value issues, but all and all, it is highly entertaining, the effects are great (for the time it was made) and it has more good ideas and better acting, more original story concepts, and sheer boldness than most films made during the middle to late eighties.
You can't compare it to the truly awful Troll 2.
As I understand it, Troll 2 was never even planned as a sequel to TROLL. It was originally called Goblins and designed to be a comlpete rip off of Troll. Apparently, after aquiring the film, the ditributor slapped the title Troll 2 on it, because the original Troll movie was quite successful.
The original Troll movie is enormous fun, and least we not all forget, it did introduce the world to a heroic darked haired young boy who weilded a magic spear given to him by a witch, to fight an evil Troll wizard to save the world! And that boy's name was HARRY POTTER!
Lots of reasons to like this film.
Not a bad film at all.
Well said image-2!
shareim watchin troll right now after watching troll 2 last weekend and how dare you
this movie has some actual comedy that works and amusement and nonsense
troll 2 is a pos but hilarious for the wrong reasons
We shant be telling mother about this shant we?
I agree with image-2 and that Troll is far better, with better actors, and better everything than Troll 2. Troll 2 is such an awful movie. Troll was awesome!
shareI saw the Rifftrax version of TROLL 2. The original cult classics is way better than TROLL 2. Like comparing fudge with vomit.
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Not at all. Troll was quite a bit better than Troll 2, which actually makes it far less entertaining. If Troll 2 was any better than it is, it would've been just a boring bad movie, like Troll. Instead, it's a comedic masterpiece.
shareExactly. Troll 2 is worse, and therefore better. Troll is slightly better, yet still horrific and worthless. Better, therefore worse. There is less value in a terrible movie that is just plain terrible than there is in a terrible movie that is beyond terrible which makes it entertaining.
The first Troll film is actually an enjoyable little movie.
True its a highly ambitious low budget independent film and as such it has a few production value issues, but all and all, it is highly entertaining, the effects are great (for the time it was made) and it has more good ideas and better acting, more original story concepts, and sheer boldness than most films made during the middle to late eighties.
You can't compare it to the truly awful Troll 2.
As I understand it, Troll 2 was never even planned as a sequel to TROLL. It was originally called Goblins and designed to be a complete rip off of Troll. Apparently, after aquiring the film, the distributor slapped the title Troll 2 on it, because the original Troll movie was quite successful.
The original Troll movie is enormous fun, and least we not all forget, it did introduce the world to a heroic darked haired young boy who weilded a magic spear given to him by a witch, to fight an evil Troll wizard to save the world! And that boy's name was HARRY POTTER!
Lots of reasons to like this film.
Not a bad film at all.
No. It's not. Nowhere near. TROLL, the original Harry Potter movie is charming, magical, witty, entertaining, and fun. Master Goon...
no but troll 2=better