MovieChat Forums > Troll (1986) Discussion > JK Ripped This Off! How Disappointing!

JK Ripped This Off! How Disappointing!

When I first heard the name of J.K. Rowling's books, I told my mother (who introduced me to them) that I had already heard of it. But I was puzzled when she told me that the books just came out that year. I even argued with her about it, telling her that I've known about it since I was a little girl. I just assumed that I was wrong when I finally did read the books.

Then, just 2 weeks ago, I was watching HBO when "Troll" came on. That's when it hit me where I had heard about a Harry Potter being a wizard. So I watched the movie again and was PISSED OFF! How could she dare act like she came up with an original idea?!?! Even though the movie is completely different, it still has the same general idea of a boy named Harry Potter living in a parallel magical world, just finding out that he's a wizard and having to be a special person for being one of the only people to destroy a great evil.

The kid even resembles Harry Potter! J.K. stole the lanky figure and dark-haired look of the Harry Potter in "Troll". Also, the father's name in the movie is Harry Potter Sr. and J.K.'s Harry Potter's father's name is James HARRY POTTER!

I give her credit for what she did, but I don't like it when people front like they're completely original when they're not. It doesn't give the proper respect to the people she was inspired by.


I made a mistake on Harry's father's name. It was Harry whose name is Harry James Potter. Sorry about that.


Wow, interesting stuff. Kudos to you. =-)



Isn't it obvious?, i mean hey come on, put two and two together and it adds up.



I think we caught the HBO showing on the same day!! I was shocked. I thought she had come up with an original idea! I sure hope the writers of Troll confront her on copyright infringement or even blatant plagiarism!!!! I'd like to hear what she has to say on the subject.



All authors do this. All filmmakers do this. All artists do this. It is absolutely impossible not to be influenced by your surroundings and the things you read/watch/see.


It's part of the reason her books are so popular, she has taken a world that everyone already recognises, and made it her own. She uses standard mythologies and references through the whole movie. Unfortunately a lot of people find books more accessable if they don't need to use their own imagination as much (a bit harsh, but thought I'd throw that seed out into the wind)

That said they are great books. Not quite to the standard of Lord of the rings though.

Why does everyone wear stupid human suits?

reply JK's next book series going to be a 8 part series on the Garbage Pail Kids??? I hope so....




And of COURSE you believe her, being a die-hard HP fan.

How very very naieve.



I´m a huge hp fan but I haven´t seen this movie "Troll" yet, I´ll look for it, because this is now driving me nuts!!!



I think that it may be a coincidence to be honest. I heard that she named the character (first name) after someone she knew. It's only the name that's the same. It maybe a fantasy film as well but it isn't really like the Harry Potter movies -> a boy's sister is abducted by a troll that lives in the basement of a block of flat vs a kid discovers he's a wizard and leave for a magical school.

Also it's happened to me while writing essays and stories over the years. I used to pick random names from a list. I once had characters called Keith Hopkins and Dean Anderson only to discover later that those names already belonged to well known people. Especially since my character of Keith Hopkins was a professsor of Egyptology, who ran a museum. The real Keith Hopkins is a professor of classical civilisations.
See, coincidence! Try googling for your own name and see how many results come up :)


Many 'great' stories have themes of recognition. ofcourse, some have more than others. So similarities or parrallels aren't that hard to find. I mean, come on...

And yes, I'm quite a fan of the Harry Potter series. *rolls eyes*


I agree, this is very interesting, especially considering how sue-happy JKR has been, going after anything with a remote resemblence to her books. I wonder if Johm Buechler and Ed Naha are planning any legal action. For that matter, I'm surprised JKR hasn't tried to sue them for retroactively stealing her ideas...



I agree with JackMeadows

I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell!


When I watch the harry potter films I see a lot of Lord of the Rings in it.

Especially the latest one, when Harry looks into Dumbledores magic mirror fountain and falls onto the floor after he has his vision. Same as when Frodo looked into the mirror of Galadriel and fell onto the floor after having a vision! Recognition of another film/book is fine as long as a) you dont do it constantly and b) your audience will understand it.

I doubt whether all the kids who watch/read Harry Potter have read books like Lord of the Rings and seen older fantasy films like Troll. So they won't understand the parody. Also if youre referring to other films for the whole time then it just gets old and it's like 'oh she's copied that off such-and-such"..

Whatever you tell me, its gone in three, c'est la vie!


I've read a few things about how Rowling used Diana Wynne Jones' ideas, who used Tolkien’s ideas, and Tolkien and Lewis used each other's ideas (they were friends). But a while ago I read something interesting about how there's only 'one magical world'. JK Rowling did not invent everything she uses in her books, and she will publicly say that! She knows that she didn't invent trolls, unicorns, magic wands, wizards, witches, magic schools, evil wizards, mortals (muggles), spellbooks, potions, and the list goes on. But who did invent these things?? Are we going to accuse every single author who uses these elements of plagiarism?

It's definitly interesting that in "Toll" the character's name is Harry Potter, and I wonder if it had any influence on her. But we can't say anyone "stole" ideas, because the elements of fantasy have been around for ages. JK also says that she uses lots of mythology in her books, so now she's stealing from the gods?

In the books by Diana Wynne Jones, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, JK Rowling, and many others, there's an 'alternate maigc world'. Because they all have this element, yeah some things are going to be pretty similar. But the stories and plotlines are completely different. Unless you can tell me who came up with the idea of witches and wizards, don't accuse other people of stealing the idea.


It's not that authors are 'stealing' mythology - everyone writing fantasy is bound to use that kind of thing. Its when you copy an actual scene like the magic mirror fountain one, so that it looks exactly the same, when your audience won't understand the reference.

Whatever you tell me, its gone in three, c'est la vie!



I don't think she ripped off troll. There aren't that many different name combinations you can make with having one first name and one last name without one being repeated at some point. She probably hasn't seen Troll. its not as famous as Lord of the Rings and things like that.

Whatever you tell me, its gone in three, c'est la vie!



5 inch nipples? EWWW!!!!

Whatever you tell me, its gone in three, c'est la vie!






Exactly I agree with the post I just read by "nameundisclosed" (not sure if they put that automatically because the poster didn't use a name or if that is the name this person posts under, but if it is the later it's brilliant).

Anyway the post by this person explains how the elements of fantasy story telling have been around for alot longer than J.K. Rowling the or the movie Troll. But it goes beyond that. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, did not create these ideas. They weren't even the first fantasy writers. Even Lord Dunsay (not sure about the spelling there), even Lord Dunsay who is credited as one of, if not the first fantsy writer, and who inspired the likes of Tolkien and Lewis, did not create these concepts. These ideas are part of the stories and legends of mankind. They are our mythology and history. And they most likely predate even the written word. They certainly were not invented in a B movie in the 80's. So, Rowling used the same name but it may be coincidence, it may not. Either way it's just a name. There are no other paralells to be drawn between Rowling's books and this movie.


Well, don't forget Neil Gaiman's "Books of Magic" were a young, lanky lad with unruly dark hair and glasses learns that he's a wizard and gets a white owl just like Hedwig.

Or Jane Yolen's "Wizard Hall" a story about a little boy who goes to a Wizarding School rather similar to Hogwarts and saves them all from an evil wizard.

But Gaiman says that he believes Rowling when she says she was unaware of his BoM story, and that's good enough for me. And the only reason I brought up the Jane Yolen story is because I've actually read people complaining that Yolen ripped it off from Rowling, which would require a time-turner. Other than that, the two don't have much in common.

But still...It's not that I mind Rowling. I love the books(though there are certain aspects that irk me). But when the craze hit, it was just so annoying to hear about how new and fresh these books were, when really, there are plenty of similar stories that have been around for so much longer, and the only reason kids weren't nuts over them was the publicity.


Borrowing ideas is not the same as flat out stealing a character's name. A sci-fi movie I make may be inspired by Star Wars or Trek, but I'm sure as hell not going to call the main character Luke Skywalker or James Kirk. Couldn't she have just called him Barry Potter?

Number 1, I order you to go take a number 2.



Are you calling the bible non-fiction?


wow! that is a crazy coincedence. who knows? Harry Potter. Harry freaking Potter of allllll the names. maybe it was one of those subconcious things that just sunk into her mind. weird little triva!


Everybody knows that Harry Potter is just a rip off of Lord of the Rings, which is, in turn, a rip off of the Bible. This should not be anything new.

"I'm like a superhero with no powers or motivation."


which is a ripoff of HIS words, eh? i think we've gone to far :)


LOTR is not a rip off of the Bible...if you read the Bible and LOTR you will see that they have little in common, other than the theme of Good versus is more inspired by Old Germanic mythology.

'Harry Potter' books do seem to have a lot lifted from other works I have to say!

"The face of evil is ugly to look upon. And as the pleasures increase, the face becomes uglier."


whatever! everything is a rip off of Metallica!



Whatever you tell me, its gone in three, c'est la vie!


Who cares if she borrowed ideas? Every single writer borrows from somewhere I mean Shakespeare borrowed heavily from Greek and Roman drama.

'In my experience the mind which is where hallucinations come from shouldn't be able to make anything up that wasn't there to start with that didn't enter it from experience from the real world. Imagination can't create anything new can it? It only recycles bits and pieces from the world and reassembles them into visions. Am I making sense right now?....nothing unknown is knowable.'
(Angels in America - Tony Kushner)

It's a depressing thought but true.




Re "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe": Neither of the Pevensie brothers directly betrayed Aslan. Edmund, the younger brother, betrayed his siblings to the White Witch; in doing so, he unwittingly became the Witch's rightful prey. Aslan saved Edmund by convincing the Witch to free Edmund and claim his (Aslan's) life instead. This she did - but you've really gotta watch those lions, they're heavily into that Resurrection bit...!! ;D


no book save the Bible can be deemed 100% original

Not entirely correct. The Bible did copy alot from other stories. Jesus is almost a clone of another person living 2000 years earlier.


although yes the harry potter books are probably not copied from Troll, the problem is is that Warner Bros will sue the director of the upcoming Troll remake if they use the name Harry Potter in it.. even though Troll used it first..


Then I guess they're going to have to sue him because all of the press reports say that they will use the Harry Potter character that Buechler created back in 1985, ten years before J. K. Rowling wrote a word.

Have you read the recent Gorezone article? They're remaking the same movie with the same characters, only bigger, with bigger scope, and bigger actors and bigger special effects.

Beuchler's Harry Potter was a dark haired, pre teenage boy who learned about magic and magical worlds from an elderly witch named Eunice. He had to enter the parralel world of witches, wizards, fairys and trolls, with a magic lance to fight an ancient troll wizard who was trying to take over the world.

Gimme a break! They would be stupid to sue him! He'd win the case!


Just saw the last Potter Flick, I must say I laughed the whole thing through.
Couldn’t stop making sarcastic mocks with: "I liked this movie more when it was called..."
In my non-expert opinion, JK writes good children’s stories, but is far off of doing good literature.
But that’s just me!
