Heavy Symbolism

Is it just me, or is there some really deep symbolism in this movie?! For instance, does the scene with the bush singing idiotic songs represent the eventual coming of Bush (vice president at the time) as the unintelligent voice of our nation, who would eventually lead to the death of the "invisible man" (i.e. the little people of the nation that nobody hears about)? This may seem like a stretch, but I wouldn't put ANYTHING past these guys!

Go Special Sauce


Get hold of your senses Americans please! This IS the Three Amigos we're talking about here, not the Bible or Politics!


I don't know if this has been said, because I feel dumb reading this entire thread line, but I believe (believe! and please correct me if I'm wrong) that IQ stands for Intelligence Quota, and represents the capacity for learning.

So a high IQ only means someone can learn alot, not necessarily that someone knows alot. High IQ's mean diddly compared to actual intelligence.



You do realize that this ferrisbueller01 has been keeping this thread alive for almost two years? November of 2004 to October of 2006. That's years. What does this guy do with his life?


I believe he laces the thread with opium, meaning that people *have* to come back to add to it, or else suffer crippling withdrawal symptoms.

*so cold...*


their iq may not be 188 but i bet they did stay at a red roof inn last night.

sake happens



Yeah, I have thought that, too...isn't amazing how Steve Martin and Lorne Michaels could predict the future like that??? They must be true psychos...I mean psychics....and my IQ is 189, so there...

I always tell the truth....I'm lying.


I believe my IQ is going down by just readin this crap!!! Therefore I will now go and enjoy some coolwhip pudding!!


"I believe my IQ is going down by just readin this crap!!! Therefore I will now go and enjoy some coolwhip pudding!!"

Effing A. Some people just look into stuff to much.


Ppl with high IQs can go crazy sometime...

BTW MY IQ IS 118 or something.


Ummmm...it seems people think my thread is a joke. It's not. So, for my supporters out there, thank you from the bottom of my heart (this post means everything to me).

go sauce



>GREATER POOP: Are you really serious or what?
>MAL-2: Sometimes I take humor seriously. Sometimes I take seriousness humorously. Either way it is irrelevant.
>GP: Maybe you are just crazy.
>M2 Indeed! But do not reject these teachings as false because I am crazy. The reason that I am crazy is because the are true.
>GP: Is Eris true?
>M2: Everything is true.
>GP: Even false things?
>M2: Even false things are true.
>GP: How can that be?
>M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it.
everything i say is a lie
p.s.=>great job ferrisbueller01 this thread is now four years and running... re-watching ¡Three Amigos! as i type


Are you talking about George H. W. Bush? Because the current president, George W. Bush, was certainly not VP in 1986...

But no, I wouldn't say there is any symbolism.


In response to overwhelmingly negative feedback, I’ve spent most of my free time since my last post trying to refine my singing bush theory. It was tough at first. I don’t buy into the bible argument that some have offered. (What does a burning bush have to do with a singing bush? I mean come on…).

I was almost ready to give up when I read the last post by edhopeus, which got me to thinking: maybe the filmmakers did foresee the coming of George W. Bush! I know it sounds far-fetched, but I've said it before and I'll say it again: I wouldn't put anything past these guys!

If we run with this new theory, then the swordsman becomes the American public, but who did they intend Dusty Bottoms to represent? The free market? The 21st century? Ideological extremism?! This is where I’m stuck. Any help would be much appreciated.


Help, ferris?
Get a life -away from any screen, in the tangible world.
Get a life.


Dusty is obviously a reference to 911. This is clear if you watch Three Amigos and Loose Change at the same time. Hope that helps! Those guys were total geniuses, we just never understood their warnings until now.


Wrong Bush. The son is the idiot. I don't think Senior was a very good president, but you can't say he isn't intelligent. Look into his career sometime. Unfortunately, his son is proof that you can't just inherit intelligence.


It SAYS in the TRIVIA that the singing bush was somebody's idea for an allegory of Moses and the burning bush. From, you know, the Bible. So....read the trivia.



Yeah, only that’s preposterous because the bible’s bush didn’t sing. The stupid thing just caught fire! Answer this: where’s the similarity? Plus, Moses didn’t accidentally shoot anyone.

No offense elowynofavalon, but we covered this material years ago. In, you know, previous posts. So...read the thread.

go sauce



It is great looking at these old posts. There obviously were biased libtards in the woodwork even then.

Hilarity breaks out when you see them complaining about a man that is at least 188 x more effective a president than the cum-bubble we have on the hill now.



Can you unpack that, DaysofOdumba? Am I to understand that you agree with my theory? Or do you have a theory of your own?

Thanks for reading my thread! I know it's sort of complex and requires some philosophizing, but I wish more people were willing to tackle this serious subject with me.

go sauce



that's what i said!

today's special: shrimp ceviche!
