MovieChat Forums > Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) Discussion > Appreciate its messaging on saving the W...

Appreciate its messaging on saving the Whales

But shame this message has to be reinforced again 36 Years Avatar: The Way of Water(2022) please lets stopping these animals.


I remember when "Save the Whales!" was the panic of the moment, around the same time as "Acid Rain!". It's always something supposedly dire, until it fades to make way for the next enviro-fad hysteria.


Japan is still killing whales and dolphins.


And? Are you vegan? If not, why are you not protesting the breeding and slaughtering of cows as well? Are whales somehow "more valuable" because your TV told you so?

They are hunted for food. For hundreds of years. One must not like it, but one should respect that other cultures eat different animals for varying reasons.

Should you be vegan, please learn to accept that not everyone needs to share nor follow your personal beliefs and that there are reasons why humans are omnivores and yes, also today in times of "fake meat" and all that soy nonsense.
Some vegan diet guru secretly taking nutritional supplements to compensate what's missing from a natural diet claiming otherwise does not impress me.


Fear prints money!
I remember in the late 90s when I was still in school, my teacher dramatically holding a speech about how "ten years from now our crops will burn and there will be mass hunger across Europe!" and "we will fight wars over water supply!". Of course, The Netherlands would be gone by then because muh polar caps.

I swear to God if I see one more fucking polar bear sadly paddling through the water, completely taken out of context to push that bullshit agenda, I'm gonna lose it.

The whole climate change hysteria thing is nothing new whatsoever, it is going on for a century now and of course it continues as long as dumb iditos fall for it and throw their money at it. You can go back 100 years and find the same doomsday claims about climate change we hear today and somehow it is always "soon!" but then nothing ever happens - weird. "But it is getting warmer!!!" yes, no shit! Might be because we're just out of a small ice age? Mh nah, can't be that! Better pay extra bullshit taxes, drive "clean" electric cars and protest fossil fuels as well as nuclear power at the same time while you still whine about the still not extinct panda bears so you get that sweet sweet social media attention that you crave so much all while ignoring that 99.99% of all species to have ever existed are long extinct. Extinction is a natural process and can happen for a variety of reasons and we are not meant to protect and save every fucking species from it - it's unnatural.
