DVD release?

I really want Solarbabies to be released. For the past few years, this movie has disappeared from TV and I want my own copy!

I know I'm not alone in my opinion.



I totally agree with you...I have been looking every so often to see if it has been released yet, and nothing. But I will keep up hope...The Pirate Movie got released (my favorite movie of all time) so maybe this one will be released too. I never thought The Pirate Movie would ever be on DVD.


i would also like this movie on dvd. been trying to remember what it was called for the longest time. and i kept thinking of that corey haim movie with the skates.

anyhow. moster squad and night of the creeps are two other 80s classics that need to be released, but sadly, probably wont be


Agreed, I would love to see a DVD release, watched this movie many times when I was a wee boy.


I have seen this movie in cinema with my grandfather, and i just remembered a "magic ball" deaf kid, hockey and no water on planet, and i am so happy i found out the title, so there may be some chance i can find It on net... (thin, but i found another similar movie "the eliminators" from the same year...:)


HaHa, Prayer of the Rollerboys. The Corey Haim flick that is...



I can one better you, I actually *Bought* Prayer for the Rollerboys on DVD thinking it was this movie. I was lucky that I was immediately reminded of what the movie really was as I watched it and remembered that I loved it as well.


I have been searching for a copy but can't even find an old VHS. IF you hear anything about being able to get it on DVD please let me know.



I loved this movie back in the 80s and have seen it a few times.
I had the VHS tape for it but it has been lost since moving.

I wish they would release this on DVD.
They release every thing else.

If you don't have much to begin with, then you don't have much to lose.


I know what you mean!!! I have searched high and low, looked absolutely everywhre and enquired with every possible source I know to get a copy but to know avail!

I always enjoyed watching this film, I remember it as it's UK title of Solarwarriors


There has to be someone we can talk to to release it on DVD.


I think i heard a rumor that it should be coming out sometime in 2007 on dvd.. Look for it.. I will!


I have Solarbabies on VHS and am having it put on DVD.


I made a DVD from my laserdisc of the film, picture quality is great, far better than any VHS sourced DVD.


Maybe if we all wrote a letter/e-mail to MGM about it maybe they would consider it. Or at the least let us know something about it.

I've never seen it but I'm a kid of the 80's and I loved all those movies. I"m hanging out to see it. I'm a bit of Pete deluise fan too so any excuse really.


If anyone is still looking to buy this movie I found it for sale on dvd at bestbuy.


Kino Lorber have just announced on their Facebook page that they are releasing this film in both formats.

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