Am I the only one who thinks that the ending is kind of abrupt?
I mean after they finally defeat Gonzalez, in a span of roughly a minute and half Ray and Danny suddenly decide that maybe they don't want to retire to Key West just yet (presumably in case they made a sequel) and Danny hooks back up with his ex-wife (and of course, they didn't forget to remind us that she was before being rescued, engaged to a dentist). Was it always going to led back to Danny and Anna getting back together? Like I wonder about that girl, Julie that he hooked up in Key West. Was she just a "jump off" while he was on his vacation and not meant to be a long term relationship.
I always wondered if Captain Logan found out that Danny impersonated him (Logan was already pissed at him and Ray for mistreating members of clergy during their car chase with Gonzalez) over the phone while trying to steal police evidence? Was it one of those "the ends justify the means" scenarios since Anna was being held captive and Ray and Danny had to go at it by themselves, even if they wanted backup?