MovieChat Forums > Running Scared (1986) Discussion > It's weird seeing Billy Crystal as a bad...

It's weird seeing Billy Crystal as a badass action hero

I'm not necessarily saying that if I didn't know who Billy Crystal was I couldn't immediately believe him as a tough street cop. My point is that while looking at his career, it's kind of hard to in retrospect, believe that the guy from When Harry Met Sally and City Slickers made a movie like Running Scared. It's pretty much if you ask me, Billy Crystal's answer to Beverly Hills Cop w/ Eddie Murphy.


He made a good cowboy, too.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


not as weird seeing him on that boat with his shirt off...

"Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire."


It's funny that you bring that up...:


I hadn't seen it in close to two decades (insert obligatory expression about aging and/or the flying of time here), and some of it still holds up very well: the ridiculous chemistry between Crystal and Hines (this may have been the only '80s buddy movie where the leads actually seemed like buddies), the banter with them and Joey Pants and Dan Hedaya, the car chase on the elevated train tracks. Hell, I'm not even that troubled by the notion of Billy Crystal as a hotshot cop who kills a dozen or so guys in the movie and recites dialogue like "If you hurt her, you'll never be dead enough" with a straight face.


he was more of a smart ass than a badass. He was a coward for most of the movie until he simped over his ex-wife, which forced him to do or die.
