MovieChat Forums > Pretty in Pink (1986) Discussion > Who would want to date Andie?

Who would want to date Andie?

Andie was a total downer their first date. Why would he want to go on any more with her? I mean, she acted like a total prude at the party when she saw a drunk couple dancing around in their underwear. Who cares? She gets all offended and leaves the room. So they have a poor time at the party do then they leave and he's like "you want to go here, you want to go there?" And she's like shaking her head no but not offering any other ideas. Then she won't let him take her home but won't tell him why then cries about it just because she didn't live in a ritzy house? I just don't see it.



I still can't stand Andie, she was a total bitch and she was just as bitchy as the rich girls, but of course it was OK because she was poor.

Blaine must have been hard up to want to see her again after the first date. First she is a puckered face twat at the party, then she could care less that Blaine was out of his element at the club (at least he made the best of it) then she pulls a psycho act when it's time to go home. Yea, she is really worth seeing again....


I can understand her not liking the house, in my country that's horrendous. But she really did act poorly towards him, she wouldn't help him salvage the date with either agreeing to his suggestions or offering one herself. Also her emotional outburst to where she lives is so overdramatic, it's like she never had real world problems to deal with. She's a brat.


Well, that was a stupid idea for Blaine to take her to a party where all his prick friends would be gathered. He could've taken her to a movie, or to dinner, or even a walk along the beach, then she, in turn acted like a humorless prude at the party. She should've slammed a few beers and then punched that skanky blonde in the puss! These two were not a good match to begin with and I never understood his attraction to her in the first place, but I guess it wouldn't be a movie, then.


I agree. I never understood why Blaine would want to take Andie
out again after she acted that way and after one date, she said she was in love??? I don’t get it.


I thought she was acting pretty difficult when he was really trying. Still, I don't blame her for getting mad, I know I wouldn't like it if my date made me go to a party that I very clearly said I didn't want to go to.


Andie was just over anxious because he asked her on a date and she wanted it to be perfect. The party, well, yes, he should have backed off when she got so upset. But honestly look at it from his point of view. Most of his friends (besides Steff) were very chill. He had no idea Benny was such a witch with a grudge against Andie.


I can't buy anyone being interested in Andy or Molly Ringwald in any role. The Andy character had no redeemable qualities. Just an awful person who was as bad as the rich kids she hated.


I would have dated Molly Ringwald in a heartbeat!


To each their own 😊




The character wasn't even all that an attractive girl either.*LwlcN8815nM9ZLSG



Ugh, awful. She looks like a grandma 😣😫


Agreed. Molly Ringwald was never a 10. But maybe we should be thankful they casted a more average girl than a sex doll.


Lol, I would have preferred the sex doll to be honest πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ And they had 3 men all wanting her, absurd.


I thought Molly Ringwald was considered an 80s "It" girl? Well, considering the fact that she was only a young teenager in her John Hughes roles, I'm assuming it was mainly teenage boys that had a crush on her, not grown men. I always thought she was really pretty, but I'm a girl so I must see it differently.It seems she got prettier with time into the late 80s/early 90s. Doesn't help that the wardrobe department didn't normally seem to compliment her features


I am a woman as well and I do not think she is pretty at all. My husband can't stand her and thinks she is hideous. To each their own 😊 She was only an "It" girl because she was pushed on us so much by John Hughes. He obviously had some kind of fixation with her. I was a teenager in the 80's and I loved all those fun movies but never cared for her.


Yes, he was obsessed with her! And everyone at the time was scandalized that she was hanging around with Warren Beatty.

No one I knew liked Ringwald. She was just one of those features in every Hughes film that had to be tolerated.
