MovieChat Forums > One Crazy Summer (1986) Discussion > one certain scene I didn't like in this ...

one certain scene I didn't like in this movie

I didn't like the scene where Teddy's Dad kicks George's little sister's dog. I mean I know they don't really show it but still they shouldn't show a part like that. also he should have just made them get the dog off the land instead of kicking it. also they should have turned him into the police for kicking the dog, because thats animal cruelty. anybody else that didn't like that scene?


Like it was mentioned before, the fact that there is a scene where a dog is being kicked does not mean the producers of the movie are expecting you to approve of the action. It's there because they are hoping it will help you assess your opinion of the character that did it. What you should be concerned about is if you saw the character kick the dog and go "wow he is really cool" because that means you are screwed up in the head. Or you should be concerned if you heard the animal was actually harmed. I'm assuming it wasn't, or someone would have had some serious explaining to do.


It was a little mean-spirited and over the line, but that's why Holland pans up so we don't see it. Dog lover here as well, so I would've prefered he doused it with water or thrown lobsters at it, or *something* else. Plus, as someone said, you'd call the cops.

There's also a scene later where Teddy's boat crew knock a guy off his boat and leave him to die in the water. Hoops and Co. still could've lost and Teddy's team would've been disqualified for their conduct. land :).


whoever started this topic is way too sensitive.I loved movies back then. only until recent years have they not allowed scenes like this...which is good dont get me wrong but that scene was funny as hell. Its just a movie...




I hate it too. And also kicking the cats, snakes, elephants, hedgehogs and even humans.

But everybody hates something. Remember the fuss Church made when Last Temptation of Christ was released (repeating it with Da Vinci's Code); though not a movie Salman Rushdie is a great example; if you are old enough maybe you know what happened to authors whose movies didn't satisfy Soviet or Chinese authorities (really, do you know? Does enybody?)...

Vegetarians would forbid watching eating meat. They hate it. If meat is pork, Jewish and Moslems would support them.

AA and social workers would forbid showing alcochol drinking. Moslems would endorse that too. On the other hand, vineyard owners and barkeepers would be against any AA activities on screen.

Non-smokers and greens would erase any smoke from movies. The former would maybe make a compromise if it were a factory smoke.

Nutricionists would scream seing fast-food restaurants and cake shops. Also they would demand firing all overweight actors so they would not make a bad example. The fat people would immidiately call it discrimination and compare it to Holocaust.

The florists and greens would condemn showing bouquets of (cut) flowers. And maybe someone will finally recognize the pain of carrot or cabbage. What makes their suffering less important that tulip's or dog's?

We can go on endlessly. Now imagine a movie that tries not to offend anyone. First and last question: who would want to watch it? Imagine a date... What is a guy going to give to the girl? Where is he going to take her? And what are they going to do not to offend love experts from Vatican, fathers from Arkansas and anyone in Iran?

If we want art - not only film - to survive, we have to accept the fact it will show duality of things we like and things we don't like. Art is based on life and made by living people. And this duality, that's what art is, and that's what people are.


I dont like dogs so I didnt care. It made the character cruel. I didnt think it was funny though.


oh please, that's one of the funniest things in the movie, get over it


I know man....i keep forgetting therels still aaaalot of tree huggers out there. I love animals but its a movie...and whats with that post having to do with the last temptation and vegeterians? Who cares! Some ppl are just wussies


deal with it!

What the *beep* is a Chinese Downhill?!?


I hate when idiots say "It's just a movie!" It's just a movie - even though they stuck 2 long metal spikes into the female victims eyes and dragged her around with a pickup truck. It's just a movie - even though they ran over a baby with a motorcycle several times, then stuck its deformed head up on a car antena.

Sure they had him kick the dog to generate more hatred of the character from the audience, but I don't need "evil villain buildup" to the extreme. Being an ass hole without going way over the top is fine for me. I wasn't offended at the dog kicking scene but I thought it was a bit harsh.

Remakes: for the greedy and ignorant. I am neither.


i think i'm one of the bigger dog lovers out there, and while it is a little tough to watch -- a) it's just a movie -- the dog wasn't actually kicked (and even so, it's not nearly as offensive as the grotesque scene when Marky Mark's boys off the family dog in "Fear.") and b) it sets up a joke.

The NEXT scene may be the funniest in the movie -- or at least the opening to the scene.

After the dog is kicked, there's a opening shot of the vet clinic, and then the next shot is of inside the clinic -- where another dog -- wearing a doctor's white gown and a stethoscope on his head -- is wheeling a third dog around in a wheelchair.

i laugh out loud each time i see that scene... and i think i've seen the movie a few dozen times.

they should think about making a sequel -- think about it, they could reunite cusack, moore, bobcat, armstrong, piven, savage steve, etc.

it's a shame the other stork brother and the old man have passed.


you can stop being such a Pus*y,,,,,it was a stunt dog from a movie that was made 30 yrs ago,,,stunt dogs have been used several times in movies,,here's a short list for you to enjoy:

old yeller
turner and hooch
air bud
milo and otis
jaws ( not particulary a dog,,but you get my point)
the thing
mike vick commercial
any which way but loose
godfather( and by dog i mean horse)
history of the world,part 1
one crazy summer


Well, the idea was to show that Teddy's Dad was a complete a-hole and that he'd even do that. Of course, Squid gets her vengenance later during the Regatta. By the way, in case you didn't realize, the guy who plays Teddy's Dad is Neidermeyer from Animal House.


I thought that scene was pretty funny.

I write bios, therefore I am.


I don't think anyone "likes" that scene. For some reason it doesn't upset me the way other animal scenes in some movies do. Probably because they don't show it and it was done to illustrate the pure evil of the guy and the dog is fine ultimately. But I can see why some people have a problem with it.

"And what would a note say, Dan? 'Cat dead, details later'?"


You know what? I happened to catch the film again on HBO and looking at the scene, it isn't so brutal. It is like in Pulp Fiction where the needle gets inserted into Mia's chest and there is a cut away to the pierced woman. Or when Butch slashes the guy with the sword. It is away from the camera and then underneath the shot so we don't see it going in. They sort of cut away from Teddy's Dad kicking Bosco to make it not so bad. And as for the guy doing it, well, he was just a jerk and remember Squid got her vengence on him by trapping him in the dolphin with rabies after knocking him overboard.


I thought that was the funniest scene

R.O.D the tv...nuff said
