Simulated sex?
It looks so real!!!!!!
shareWe have been watching this in history 111 at the University of Virginia; i looked around during that scene to see most of the other guys crossing their legs.......go figure!!!
shareHahaha, how old were these guys!?
We're actually watching this film in my History & Philosophy class. Pretty entertaining, and a bit funny...
Mnemic Owns
It looks so real becuase it was real. At least the director said so in his DVD commentary.
And the guys in the class are crossing their legs because it's one of the most boner-inducing scenes in film history!
Looked real to me! So, I thought that in a "not porn movie" they never have a real sex scene!!? I don't have the DVD commentary, so could you explain what the director said, please?
Also, when I watched it on tv several times, that scene was cut out, not entirely, just the *** scene.
I don't think the director said on the DVD commentary that the sex scene was real - I think he said the two actors ended up having a real relationship off-screen.
But it's been a while since I've heard the commentary so I can't remember 100%
Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!
it certainly was performed with a lot of passion
Man what I would have given to have a job like that at 15 years old!!! To simulate sex with a gorgeous brunette.
Would have been disturbing with a bunch of cameramen and actors watching but I'm sure I would have been able to get lost in the moment quite easily with that girl.
If it was real the directer probably shouldn't have admitted it in the DVD Commentary. Seeing as Christian Slater was fifteen then, that would have been illegal.
shareI bought a video of it a number of years ago, right before dvds. It shows the sex and he inserts, so cannot be fake.
San Francisco,CA.
You are a joke. What you want to see is him inserting. Fact is he does not. Watch some real porn OR BETTER YET, get a girl. Maybe then you will understand what it means to "insert".
Agreed. This place is full of ignorant retarded trolls getting wetdreams.
Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!
Seeing as Christian Slater was fifteen then, that would have been illegal.
Fifteen is above the age of consent/legal age for sexual activities in many jurisdictions -- including Germany and Italy, where this movie was filmed.
Lazy + smart = efficient.
Fifteen is above the age of consent/legal age for sexual activities in many jurisdictions -- including Germany and Italy, where this movie was filmed.
Its all camera angles.
I just can't figure out how he was flaccid, after all its Valentina Vargas.
You can do nudity at any age in Europe, provided it does not contain sexual content. In the UK though (which I'm most familiar with) a social worker has to be present for a simulated sex scene between children under 18 and you have to be 18 to do actual porn (even though the age of consent is 16/17/18).
shareThat depends on the country. There are different laws in every country. For example Netherlands and Denmark has different ages where porn is acceptable. Take Seventeen Magazine as an example. You could star there provided you became, I do believe it was 16 the same year.
The internet is what changed things. The laws are still the same, but for the producers to reach an audience where people in other countries could buy porn without fear of being procecuted, the companies started to use exclusively 18+ years. Its economical reasons that rules, not moral reasons.
It`s far easier to start a war than to end one.
It could not have been real sex, if Christian Slater was under 18.
shareHERETICS!!!!!!! Burn them at the stakes
shareThe accounts from the director suggest that Slater was more or less surprised. Vargas was told to make it aggressive and as realistic as possible. Slater's look of surprise and awe was genuine. Apparently they were so engrossed in each other that the director had to call cut several times before they noticed him.
In genuinely simulated sex scenes, and "love" scenes generally, there is very precise choreography. They know exactly which way to look and how to move. Every move is planned and directed. That is also necessary to avoid the merkins, penis socks etc from being seen.
In this case there was an inexperienced male actor, he had no idea what was coming and had not been "fitted" out, an actress that was told to make it realistic, no detailed choreography or even direction, actors unaware of the director, and no markins cushions or socks visible. To me that suggests that it probably was genuine penetrative intercourse.
Well I had recorded this movie with my vcr when i was like 14 off cable. And have "watched" that scene SEVERAL times. and on the version i had, you can plain as day see her putting a small towel or a rag between her and his parts a half second before he starts goin at it. So i know it there was no penetration in the actual scene. Havent seen it in years and im going to download it again out of curiosity
Marty. Y'know what we got here? MotherF&%kin' Charlie Bronson. Mr. Majestyk
Ooh! Did it?!?
First time seing this: 12 yo!! WOW;-D (yeah, yeah, before internet) and - I had something to dry myself with..