Did Daniel REALLY say that???

So in the beginning of the movie, we're all familiar with Mr. Miyagi going up against Kreese. And then he has him down on his knees about to give him the final blow before...well, you know.

As he's walking back to the truck Daniel says "You could have killed him." Mr. Miyagi responds "hai." And then Daniel actually asks him "So why didn't you?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Daniel wants to know why Mr. Miyagi didn't murder Kreese. Hmm, let me see. Maybe because he doesn't want be arrested, charged with first degree murder, hire a lawyer, go through a lengthy and costly murder trial, be found guilty (there were many witnesses to the crime), and get convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Oh, and the fact that Mr. Miyagi isn't a killer and it's WRONG.

It just makes me laugh out loud every time I see that part.


No one said that Daniel (san) was the brightest kid, nor the brightest bulb on the planet. And he was yet still a kid. Makes sense. A mature teen probably wouldn't have said such.



Good response lol.


Heh heh, oxymoron: mature teen.


Daniel’s so dumb he doesn’t understand the moral issues with murder and its legal consequences? Wow.


In a situation like this if Myiagi had killed Kreese it could have been a case of self-defense.
He could get a lawyer to plead this in court as a case of just that.
After all it was a karate fight so Myiagi was in a situation where he had to fight back and
defend himself.


Nah, he had Kreese down on his knees defenseless and gave a little speech to him. He would have been charged with murder


Miyagi was using self defense..he wouldnt have even been charged.


Self-defence? I don't know about that mate. When ever I've had to fight to save my life and I don't usually give a lengthy speech about how I'm about to deliver the final death blow. I know Miyagi was playing up for the crowd but even he can't blame this on his Okinawan honor-code when it goes to court.

Prosecutor: so tells us Mr Miyaji...
Miyagi: (interrupting) Excuse, it is Miya-GI.

Prosecutor: My apologies. So tell us, how exactly was you life in danger when you took 2 minutes to scruff the victim, who was incapacitated and unarmed at the time, force him to his knees and give him a speech about how you' re about to kill him?
Miyagi: In Okinawa, honor demand warrior gloat and give opponent good death for all village to watch, Mr DA-san.

Prosecutor: Excuse me?
MIyagi: Honor very serious in Okinawa...

Prosecutor: The prosecution rests you honour.


Funniest thing I've ever seen on IMDB...



If miyagi side stepped the punch then threw the death blow..he wouldn't be charged. But yea, if he gave the speech then inflicted the death blow he could be charged.


Daniel was from Newark, NJ. He doesn't give a BLEEP.


I always assumed he meant it as slang; like not literally "killed him" but beat the hell out of him. It didn't make sense to me as a kid otherwise because of exactly what you said, hah.


I thought the same thing. I don't think Daniel meant to literally kill him.


That doesn't make sense, because Miyagi DID already 'conquer him' - he did basically let himself beat himself up, and showed dominance. What else is to be achieved in that situation? He 'killed' Reese as much as necessary, and almost as much as possible - remember that Kreese took a huge blow to his ego as well, which can be worse than a bloody nose.


"You could have killed him." Mr. Miyagi responds "hai." And then Daniel actually asks him "So why didn't you?"

"Called second degree murder, Danyersan. Wax on, wax off have very different meaning in big house. Hai."

"Obamacare: It only works if you don't!"
