MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > Iron Eagle VS. Top Gun

Iron Eagle VS. Top Gun

Iron Eagle is way better. I DARE anyone to start an argument about this statement, especially if your a guy. I DARE YOU!


"Iron Eagle VS. Top Gun"

Iron Eagle cant hold a candle to Top Gun!

Top Gun is overall a far better movie. main problem with Iron Eagle is it's to cheesy and it's acting aint exactly great either unlike Top Gun which has overall noticeably better acting and more interesting characters etc.

at the end of the day...

-Top Gun = 7/10 (no less for sure! , as if i had to choose a 6 or 8 i would lean towards 8... it's one of the better 1980's movies)
-Iron Eagle = 5/10 (but if i had to choose a 4 or 6 i would lean towards 6)

p.s. im a 28 (almost 29) year old guy.


Top Gun has a more plausible story, and is quite possibly the finest shot film ever. Every shot is dead gorgeous be it in the air or on the sand.

"I'm playing with the boys..."

Film critic for small magazine.


Start a fight, I'm too tired to raise my arms, my gun and badge are on the car.





I liked Iron Eagle much better than Top Gun. Neither one of these movies really struck me as all that great, and I agree with most of the criticisms here. But Iron Eagle is probably more of a guilty pleasure for me.

I thought that Top Gun was the weaker film because it was too much of a romance. It didn't put enough focus on the planning of the mission or the geopolitical situation, and instead, it was just romance, volleyball games, and Tom Cruise bucking up against his superiors because he's a natural at playing an immature smart-aleck in just about everything he does. They just threw in some sort of crisis to prove that he's the best pilot at the end as some sort of afterthought.

Both movies are rather cheesy and propagandistic in their own way, but in my opinion, Iron Eagle is more of an enjoyable cheesy than Top Gun, which is just plain irritating. Top Gun was more of a chick flick than Iron Eagle.

I'm not going to get into the F-14 vs. F-16 debate. I'll stick with Snoopy and his Sopwith Camel, along with his squadron of little yellow birds which flutter upside-down. The terror of the skies. ;)



There's more similarities in certain regards. Both films haven't really aged that well. Both are obviously a product of their time. I'd say on the whole Top Gun is better remembered because Tom Cruise went on to become a big star. Jason Gedrick's career never really took off (pun intended). Louis Gossett Jr helped add much of the enjoyability factor to Eagle. He's a very good actor who doesn't get the roles he should.

Also Top Gun in a way was the one that set the blueprint for the Jerry Bruckheimer blockbusters that took over (and some would say destroyed and/or infantilized) Hollywood. I recently read an artcile in GQ in which Mark Harris made the observation that it was actually Top Gun that set the stage for the downfall of Hollywood dramatic filmmaking. I don't know if I agree 100% with him. But his thesis is interesting. Full article at:

In terms of pure enjoyability factor, I'd give Top Gun the edge. But Iron Eagle's okay. Not a cinematic masterpiece, not a great movie. But a fun guilty pleasure if you were a kid/teen in the 80s.



I think this is the definitive answer:

Top Gun is a real Hollywood movie. It's got Tom Cruise as its star, a famous love theme, a huge budget plus it's shot in a very stylized and grand manner. However, it has no soul.

Iron Eagle is a completely different film, set up and story. It's a lot more fun as it takes itself less seriously, and the characters are more humanized and better written. It's a harmless movie that's not up its own rear end. The premise itself is like star wars with jets (hot shot kid pilot who longs for his father takes on enemy fortress with help of old sage (Gossett) and trusty sidekicks (air force brats)).

Aside from some phenomenal aerial photography with the F-14 Tomcat, Top Gun is a movie that kinda drags when they're not flying. It's got this brutal, ugly excess dripping off it, totally belying the tone of what is supposed to be an enjoyable fighter plane movie, and it stinks of homoeroticism (intentional or not).

Iron Eagle - 10/10

Top Gun - 6/10

Pizza? Thin or Thick? Chicago.


hey thanks for checking out my video, did u see the other two i did? the 1st part and the alternate ending?


Yeah pretty sure I saw all of them. Did you make the Airwolf Vs Top Gun ones as well?

You're a genuis by the way. Those are the funniest and most well put together videos I've seen on the net. Having Masters shoot down maverick and then playing "never say die" on the walkman - amazing. Just hilarious. I felt my childhood literally come alive when I saw that part, and that's not often I get that. The music, the victory roll that Masters does. I saw that video and got back into Iron Eagle and watched it for the first time in ages just because of that clip. Well done.

The Jack Putter Machine, zero defects


thanks alot buddy, glad you enjoyed em, to be honest i was expecting much more views on these videos, sadly i didn't but its ok lol and no i didnt do the airwolf ones, someone else did those


thanks alot buddy, glad you enjoyed em

You're welcome. Thanks for making them!

to be honest i was expecting much more views on these videos

They should have millions of views, or in the 100K plus category minimum - I'm not blowing smoke up your ass, either. The way it's made is just at a higher standard than your average video. The editing, pacing and structure is all there. It follows a general narrative/mini story even. Problem might be is most people have seen Top Gun but just don't get Iron Eagle or the references to it.

The Jack Putter Machine, zero defects


You are too kind lol...perhaps you are right, but then again alot of Iron Eagle videos have lots of views as well..Oh well I guess it will improve as time passes.


Oh well I guess it will improve as time passes.

Sure. Is there any way you can improve the number of how many people see your video?

Water My Ass! Bring This Guy Some Pepto Bismol


other than putting in related tags and posting it in appropriate forums, theres nothing much i can do


Well, it's still an awesome video. How many views it has is irrelevant. What counts is how skilfully you put it all together.

We Brake For Nobody


Top Gun - MUCH better, in EVERY WAY.

1. TOP GUN - MUCH more professionally made. A real director with real, known actors who can act. And a real story, not just some video game fantasy.

2. Cultural impact. Top Gun hands down. Everyone still loves this movie. When Tony Scott died recently, everyone said "Yeah, I remember him from Top Gun". Who will remember who directed Iron Eagle, if they remember the movie at all?

3. Top Gun - MUCH more realistic. While all movies take liberties to make the story more exciting/entertaining, Top Gun was about real Navy pilots going through a real Navy pilot school. Iron Eagle has a TEENAGER stealing a jet, flying halfway around the world (like, how did he refuel?) and then turning into the greatest fighter ace since Chuck Yeager despite having only flown a small Cessna before. And for his antics, the Air Force "punishes" him by sending him to the AF Academy??? It's no wonder the REAL USAF refused any role in this film, and had to film it in Israel instead.

OK, people complain about the "Fake" MiG 28's in Top Gun. But, really! It was 1986 and the Cold War was still on. The Soviets weren't about to lend us any REAL MiG's, and certainly not to make a movie. So some license had to be taken here.

4. Top Gun could be enjoyed by adults, both men and women. Iron Eagle was made purely for teenage boys.

Finally, on the argument as to which was the better plane. In a close in dogfight, with equally skilled pilots, the F-16 probably has an edge. It is smaller, lighter, and more maneuverable. But the F-14 was the more versatile plane, plus, a Top Gun graduate or instructor (among the best in the world, that's what the training was for) could probably beat an average F-16 pilot any day.


TOP GUN - MUCH more professionally made. A real director

Tony Scott was a good director, especially when it came to the style and visual aspect of filming. However, he didn't have a whole lot of substance. His films were always about the spectacle and not so much the people. He was like a more intelligent and talented Michael Bay.

with real, known actors who can act.

Louis Gosset Jr had been an Oscar winner just a couple of years prior to this film (back when it was an elite award and not the flavor of the month fiasco it's turned into). Jerry Levine and Larry B Scott were very good young actors who had other notable roles in Hollywood at that time. Jason Gedrick was essentially channelling Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker in the best possible way - and he did extremely well. It was a natural and convincing performance as the young hero.

Outside of Cruise and Kilmer, much of Top Gun's cast were either unknowns or vanished shortly after (McGillis, Edwards, Skerrit etc) into small films or TV shows (remember Meg Ryan only had a cameo).

Furthermore, the actors may have been of a higher standard in Top Gun, but none of them were likeable. For example, Tom Cruise's Maverick continually puts the careers and lives of those around him at risk due to his flagrantly selfish behavior. Why? Because he want's to prove that he's "the best".

Compare and contrast that to Iron Eagle. Doug Masters puts his life and future career at risk to save his father. As does Gosset Jr and everyone who's helping him.

And a real story, not just some video game fantasy.

What exactly is Top Gun's story? Bunch of guys one upping each other in a flight school for a 2 bit trophy? Iron Eagle is the one with a story. But that's where both film's become different from each other. Iron Eagle is meant to be a fantasy - it was likely written as a reinvention of Star Wars but with planes on earth. Top Gun is based in realism, but doesn't have much of a plot.

In Iron Eagle the protagonist's father is shot down and condemned to death in three days in a foreign land. His son thus attempts to rescue him. This means there is a) everything at stake b) an emotional centerpoint for the main character's actions and c) something that keeps the story going as you know they only have a limited time to get him out.

Top Gun's story is so lacking in an emotional base that they have to contrive a character's death out of nowhere (Goose) in a wild attempt to suck some cynical melodrama from the viewer and convince you that what you're watching actually has some meaning or depth - and that you're not just watching a 90 minute music video. Top Gun is just a bunch of pumped up douchebags flying planes and not much else.

Cultural impact. Top Gun hands down. Everyone still loves this movie. Who will remember who directed Iron Eagle, if they remember the movie at all?

Top Gun was a cultural phenomenon in the 80s. Its a product of that era - almost a symbolism for it. It's a real Hollywood movie. But I think it encapsulates the more excessive themes of that decade rather than the best parts of it. I also believe it's kind of a gimmick movie, in the same vain as Dirty Dancing etc. It was an iconic movie, not necessarily a good one. I mean, Star Wars Trilogy, E.T., - those were real culturally significant films, and profound ones, too. Top Gun was more shallow and all about the visuals and style.

Iron Eagle was never going to have any cultural impact because it's not full of stereotypical movie leads and clichéd plot points. It was just meant to be a simple film.

It's no wonder the REAL USAF refused any role in this film, and had to film it in Israel instead.

That's probably a good sign.

The Army/Navy/Air Force only support movies that kiss their ass and make them look good. Top Gun was essentially one giant Navy commercial.

Iron Eagle had a group of teenagers infiltrating a USAF base - fooling their officers, doctoring flight plans and generally getting around top secret clearance and entry points on the way to skyjacking two F-16s and using them to level Iran's military. It was really fun, original and entertaining to watch.

Who wants to watch stuff that has to get approved by armed forces in a movie for being realistic? Films of this type concerning jet planes etc are meant to be the oppostite and portray things generally not adhering to normal standards and situations. It's called escapism.

Top Gun could be enjoyed by adults, both men and women. Iron Eagle was made purely for teenage boys.

Iron Eagle can be enjoyed by anyone with taste. It's well written & directed, has an interesting and engaging premise, a great soundtrack, good characters and acting, and the most spectacular and skillfully choreographed flight scene in cinema history (the chase through the desert canyons between the cessna and motorcycle).

Top Gun is generic Hollywood trash - albeit its guitar anthem and F-14 jet make it an extremely entertaining movie. That shouldn't get in the way of the fact that TG was a template for all the crappy blockbusters you see nowadays, especially the Michael Bay directed ones. They're all shot and structured in the same way as Top Gun - with an emphasis on style and predictable, dime a dozen characters.

I've seen tons of movies just like Top Gun. However, I've yet to see a movie replicate the endearing charm and simplicity of Iron Eagle - a forgotten 80s classic of action-adventure cinema.

He was my C.O. in Nam. CIA listed him as MIA but the V.A. ID'd his M.O. and put out an APB.


"Jason Gedrick was essentially channelling Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker in the best possible way - and he did extremely well. It was a natural and convincing performance as the young hero."

Yeah, because teenagers know how to fly F-16's, and can easily defeat an entire foreign Air Force just by listening to (mostly lame) music on their Walkman. Face it, he was a cartoon character. The old Wile E Coyote/Road Runner shows were more realistic.

"What exactly is Top Gun's story? Bunch of guys one upping each other in a flight school for a 2 bit trophy?"

Two bit trophy? Apparently you don't know much about Naval Aviation. Just to get IN to Top Gun meant you were one of the best in the world. To win that trophy put you in more elite company still. Top Gun was sort of like the Olympics for fighter pilots. To sneer at that trophy is like sneering at an Olympic medal.

" Iron Eagle is the one with a story."

I'll grant that it had a story. A completely ridiculous story!

"Top Gun's story is so lacking in an emotional base that they have to contrive a character's death out of nowhere (Goose) in a wild attempt to suck some cynical melodrama from the viewer and convince you that what you're watching actually has some meaning or depth - and that you're not just watching a 90 minute music video."

I guess you are unaware that the F-14 was a rather dangerous plane to fly, and that deaths in training (such as Goose's) were far from uncommon. Also, the accident itself was VERY realistic. Further, his death showed the real level of teamwork that Navy crewmembers have, Maverick was the pilot, but he absolutely depended on Goose in combat situations. And the emotional impact of his death was real, since we had already seen how close he and Maverick were, plus just a bit earlier, we had just been introduced to his wife and kid, meaning we saw him as a real person, not the cartoon characters that were in Iron Eagle.

"Top Gun is just a bunch of pumped up douchebags flying planes and not much else."

If you think Navy pilots are "Douchebags" (such a cliched term), then you don't know a damned thing about the REAL US military.

It's no wonder the REAL USAF refused any role in this film, and had to film it in Israel instead.

"That's probably a good sign."

No, it's a sign the Air Force knew this thing was a load of crap, and wanted nothing to do with it.

"The Army/Navy/Air Force only support movies that kiss their ass and make them look good. Top Gun was essentially one giant Navy commercial."

Well, if it made Naval Aviation look exciting and glamorous, that's because Naval Aviation IS exciting and glamorous. And also hard work and dangerous. And EXTREMELY competitive. It simply told the truth about what being a Navy pilot was like. Iron Eagle's plot was just a joke.

Top Gun could be enjoyed by adults, both men and women. Iron Eagle was made purely for teenage boys.

"Iron Eagle can be enjoyed by anyone with taste."

The taste of a pre-pubescent kid who plays WAY too many video games.

" It's well written & directed, has an interesting and engaging premise, a great soundtrack, good characters and acting, "

Aside from Gosset Jr. (who apparently ruined his career with this movie, since he went on to "Star" in the even worse Iron Eagle sequels and very little else), this film was pure amateurism. The story, the writing, and virtually everything else was, at best, of the quality of a mediocre rock video.

"and the most spectacular and skillfully choreographed flight scene in cinema history (the chase through the desert canyons between the cessna and motorcycle)."

Actually, as I have a pilot's license (and have flown the exact same kind of plane used in that scene), and some of my friends at the time had motorcycles, we could have filmed that scene ourselves with a couple of video cameras.

"Top Gun is generic Hollywood trash"

Hardly. It was one of the most memorable movies of the 80's. There have been some that have tried to use the same formula (Navy Seals) but none had anything like the same impact.

"I've seen tons of movies just like Top Gun."

Oh? Name them!

"However, I've yet to see a movie replicate the endearing charm and simplicity of Iron Eagle - a forgotten 80s classic of action-adventure cinema. "

Forgotten for a good reason. Aside from the actual flying scenes, which weren't half-bad, this movie was memorable mainly for how utterly ridiculous the whole thing was.


Face it, he was a cartoon character

Not really. Masters cared about his father and did everything he could to bring him home. He was likable, endearing and someone who younger viewers in particular could look up to. His character had far more worth and development than Cruise's Maverick did in Top Gun.

Two bit trophy? To sneer at that trophy is like sneering at an Olympic medal.

Is there really a trophy? I thought that was made up?

I wasn't referring to its worth so much. I'm just saying it's lame that half the time they're chasing a trophy, and it just gets so tedious. It feels like nothing is at stake - hence why they pull the death of goose out of their ass to make us not notice the whole thing is a waste of time.

I'll grant that it had a story. A completely ridiculous story!

It wasn't supposed to be a plausible story, though. It was intended to be a western adventure type movie following themes present in Star Wars etc. It's ridiculous if you don't have a sense of imagination or suspension of disbelief. You have to realize the themes of the film and not take it so seriously.

. The story, the writing, and virtually everything else was, at best, of the quality of a mediocre rock video.

There is no doubt it was written for a younger audience than Top Gun. Iron Eagle contains intentionally hammy dialogue in places and some over the top themes, yet still I find it very enjoyable. This is simply down to the tone of Iron Eagle being so infectious, carefree and enjoyable. It takes good writing as well as good acting to make you care and root for the characters up on screen.

In Top Gun I found it almost impossible to get behind Maverick and his desire to "be the best" through breaking rules and dangerous flying - because it was all at the expense of his fellow aviator's careers and even lives - and he didn't seem to even care. There's a scene where Goose basically begs Maverick to stop being so reckless because he has a family to look after. Maverick gives him his word - then breaks his promise soon after. This is the epitome of what's wrong with Top Gun - it has no emotional core. Iron Eagle does.

Actually, as I have a pilot's license (and have flown the exact same kind of plane used in that scene), and some of my friends at the time had motorcycles, we could have filmed that scene ourselves with a couple of video cameras.

You can fly a plane but you're not a highly skilled film maker. Can you write, edit and direct a scene to follow the same fluency and pace as the one in the movie? Can you structure the scene to follow a narrative that's conductive to the rest of the movie and its principal character? Do you have an expensive budget and a world class production crew to work with?

. It was one of the most memorable movies of the 80's. There have been some that have tried to use the same formula (Navy Seals) but none had anything like the same impact.

By using the same formula I mean a basic template of: shooting, writing, directing and character style. Many movies, especially big budget summer ones, follow Top Gun's basic make up to a tee. It may not be the exact same premise, but they're regurgitating its formula because it's a successful one that brings in the box office. Granted, Top Gun was the only one to do it well and succeed big time, but it was still the prototype movie that destroyed modern Hollywood event movies.

Oh? Name them!

90% of summer blockbusters from the 90s to present day. These include movies starring Will Smith, movies directed by Michael Bay (in particular) or anything revolving around a hero trying to prove he's the best ie practically everything.

Iron Eagle is hard to rip off because you actually have to dedicate more time to writing the story, detailing the characters and producing appropriate dialogue for its themes and subject matter. Hollywood is too lazy, though, so its go-to movie would be Top Gun as its easy to repackage and re-sell cheap products.

We Brake For Nobody


Frankly Top Gun isn't all that great either. I mean the Homoeroticism in that movie is off the charts. And is probably one of the leadings reason why people think that Tom Curse is gay. And their some pretty cheesy scenes in that movie too. "Your Ego Is Writing Cheques Your Body Can't Cash" What the F### dose that even mean. Iron Eagle isn't great. But the soundtracks and Louis Gossett Jr are the highlights of the film. In fact Louis Gossett Jr is the main reason i still watch this film from time to time. Iron Eagle has a ridiculous concept. But half of the reason its so fun. Its better than the "The Rescue (1988)". Thats even 10x more ridiculous.


Without the F-14 and the awesome guitar anthem, Top Gun would've blown. A lot of the scenes and dialogue in that movie are a joke. Top Fag more like.

The cheese is old and moldy. Where is the bathroom?
