Animal cruelty

Why baboons?

Why not something like insects, fish, or something tiny? Why not cockroaches?

But no, it has to be a BABOON.. how many Baboons did this guy murder, and why is everyone OK with that?

What a world we live in, when animal murder doesn't even make anyone raise an eyebrow in a movie plot (or real life). After all, people base their whole diets around bloody murders and incredibly suffering and pain of the innocent, hurting so terribly when they are murdered for their 'steaks'.. and sometimes even after, because the murder-attempt is very often botched.

Imagine being a cow, hurting terribly from the shot in the head, and then being hang from one of your feet upside down, while some heartless sadist unceremoniously cuts your belly open, and scrapes your insides out - and nothing you do, can make him or the pain stop, until you finally mercifully .. DIE.

That's what happens EVERY DAY, because people eat carcasses and then wonder why they have blood and vein diseases and cholesterol problems.

If someone kicks a poodle, the masses are outraged. If someone bloodily and systematically murders and tortures billions of cows, pigs, turkeys, and who knows what else, no one bats an eyelid.

Why is murder so accepted in this world anyway? There are systematically brainwashed individuals called 'soldiers', that murder even human beings (and murder is ALWAYS unlawful, no matter what you are wearing or what excuse you have been indoctrinated to state for it, when asked - something about a 'country' usually, though countries are really corporations now).

But when such a murderer shoots a video, where he throws a puppy down a cliff, there's a huge outrage.

At the same time, millions of men have been murdered in history, and it's considered 'normal'. No outrage, no sympathy.

And even more cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, and yes, even cats and dogs have been murdered during the history.

You truly see the ethical level of 'civilization' from how it treats its animals. But even pets are treated wrong - they are treated as little human beings, instead of animals that they are. So they develop symptoms from not being able to express their true selves or have their psychological needs met.

(Just watch Dog Whisperer)

In the light of all this - why baboons? Why not goldfish? Why not flowers or other living plants?

Though the stupid bit about this movie is that somehow you can just disintegrate living beings, and reintegrate them - BY A COMPUTER! Haha!

Life is not 'computerizable', and life does not exist on the physical side - it exists on higher planes, but APPEARS to exist on the physical plane because it's so tightly connected to it temporarily. That's what chakras do, they are like bolts that hold the soul in the physical body.

So, a computer that doesn't take chakras, meridians, acu-points, the etheric body, the astral body, the causal body, the mental body, the soul, and all the ways everything is connected (triple-warmer, for example, is purely etheric, very important organ, that the chinese know about, but west doesn't even believe exists - how is that kind of 1980s computer going to teleport that? It's essential for the functioning and well-being of any human in a physical body). If it only teleported the physical, the body would arrive dead, as there's no longer anything to connect it to the soul, and one of the organs would be missing. Though, in essence, all organs would be missing, because the physical side of organs is only the least important part of them (though still important) - the ACTUAL organs reside on higher planes.

This is factual knowledge in chinese medicine science. But the west doesn't understand anything beyond purely physical, so quantum theory confuses it and scares the shĂ­t out of it. If only the west would realize things like 'creator', 'spirit' and 'higher planes', it wouldn't have problems explaining the findings in quantum mechanics.

But now I am rambling beyond the scope of my original intention, so I am stopping here.


Why would killing a fish or an insect be more noble?


yeah..let's not kill any cockroaches or rats in our home, we don't want to snuff out their life. They have so much to live for. Let's not hurt the feelings of earthworms either.

And let's keep finding band-aids to express our anger at the the world, since we can't fix those significant problems.


But no, it has to be a BABOON.. how many Baboons did this guy murder, and why is everyone OK with that?
Don't tell me you think an actor playing a made-up character, actually teleported live baboons and turned them inside out to make it look more realistic? Within the context of the story, an ape more closely resembles a human and a baboon is an unusual choice, but this was Cronenberg territory.

That's what chakras do, they are like bolts that hold the soul in the physical body... If it only teleported the physical, the body would arrive dead, as there's no longer anything to connect it to the soul...
I look at this way, the physical is what is teleported; but all the aspects of our being that exist on deeper and higher level of consciousness is still connected on a spiritual level. The body is just the attachment\vessel and even the dream. The soul is also not separate entity like many believe.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


The OP way over-reacted, but I was wondering the same thing. No one starts with baboons

The most cruel part is that Brundle probably had started experimenting with smaller living creature and just used the baboon to showcase what the effects of teleportation would be on an animate object.

It's actually a little confusing. When Brundle says "Not while we're eating" when Veronica asks what happens if a living thing was teleported, we are led to believe Brundle knows that an it would get killed in a gruesome fashion.

However, when he teleports the baboon later on as Veronica films, he doesn't seem to be aware what the end result is. The way he's chewing his nails and peeking through the glass suggests that he's oblivious to what became of the baboon.

I guess it's possible that he fiddled with something on the computer trying to make it more efficient and functional, but there's no line of dialogue or scene to imply that.


The most cruel part is that Brundle probably had started experimenting with smaller living creature and just used the baboon to showcase what the effects of teleportation would be on an animate object.

It's actually a little confusing. When Brundle says "Not while we're eating" when Veronica asks what happens if a living thing was teleported, we are led to believe Brundle knows that an it would get killed in a gruesome fashion.

However, when he teleports the baboon later on as Veronica films, he doesn't seem to be aware what the end result is. The way he's chewing his nails and peeking through the glass suggests that he's oblivious to what became of the baboon.

I guess it's possible that he fiddled with something on the computer trying to make it more efficient and functional, but there's no line of dialogue or scene to imply that.

Agreed. This doesn't make any sense. Even if he did some reprogramming off-screen, why would he use the baboon as a test subject?

Even when Veronica inspires him to do the steak test, why not use another steak after "teaching the computer about the flesh"? He seems to immediately use another baboon.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


Even if he did some reprogramming off-screen, why would he use the baboon as a test subject?

Well, he does have one available.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Remember BARTOK was financing Seth's project. They are like Weyland-Yutani in the Alien series. Life is expendable to them for their own ends.


Dont care.......Im eating my Steak, and porkchops, chicken too...I dont give a rats ass how we get it..People were not made to eat grass...Now you do what you want...Just leave my food alone....I guess you think Lions should not kill gazelle to eat, huh?? Damn mean old Lions....Polar Bears kill fish, among other animals...This is the way of the world....Get over it Snow flake..

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


People were not made to eat grass

Actually, we were. Hence our flat teeth and appendix. We just evolved out of being able to digest and process most plants.

Humans evolved as omnivores. We can eat plants and meat.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


This is factual knowledge in chinese medicine science. But the west doesn't understand anything beyond purely physical, so quantum theory confuses it and scares the shĂ­t out of it. If only the west would realize things like 'creator', 'spirit' and 'higher planes', it wouldn't have problems explaining the findings in quantum mechanics.

Yes in their enlightened world eating dog is considered normal........

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


how many Baboons did this guy murder

None. It isn't possible to murder a baboon, nor any other critter.

1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
