movei is underated

This movie only has a 6 rating i think it deserves better than that i mean it was the only bette midler movie i could stand to watch and had some such great moments. THis movie is really underated if u think so let me know .


One of the best, and most intelligent, comedies out there.

I don't know why it's got a rating under 6 .... Remember though that IMDB automatically knocks down ratings to keep it "fair" and prevent fraud.

I gave it an 8 -- it's very funny and smart and very well done.

. . . . . . . .


i agree! i came here and couldn't belive it only has a 5.9. scandal!


This is one of the movies that often spring to mind from my childhood in the 80s. I like it.


Awesome movie! Some of the most quotable lines of any movie. One of my favorites for sure!


I see it any time it's on. I've loved it since my first viewing when I was 10.



62 million back in 86, i dont think so. But todays standards alot of movies that didnt gross out can get more recognition than movies like this. I just love these 80's movies. Look at Everywhich way but loose, prop clints biggest movie yet everytime it comes on it gets bitched, oh why did clint do it. Why is cause he knew what was funny, come on it made over 100 cause it was clint with a wild animal, and typical 70's cowboy thing going on. Wish i was alive back then in that state it was made.


It was definitely a fun romp and its nostalgic to look back to the 1980's when there was still something left of authenticity before generation X took over & spawned the complete youth worship & comicon youtube/twitter sensations that produce Justin Biebers & Twilight Sagas .

merrily merrily we row down stream , life is but a dream .

"Want to know how to make God Laugh? Tell Her your plans...."



I thought the movie was funny at the time but re-watching it on cable just now reveals it didn't age well, at least for me.

