MovieChat Forums > Cobra (1986) Discussion > Finally saw it. Highly underrated film.

Finally saw it. Highly underrated film.

Cobra has been on my to-watch list literally for about 35 years and I FINALLY got around to seeing it a few nights ago. It is shocking to me that this film only has a 5.8 on IMDB and that on RT the audience score is only 43%.

This is a really good 80s action film, a movie from a bygone era of heroes who kick ass and stand up to injustice with their fists and don't take any shit while they're doing it. I found it to be a stylish film with a great hero character who is brought to life effectively by Stallone. It also features a surprisingly charming turn from Brigitte Nielsen (who probably never was more feminine and beautiful than she is here), a genuinely creepy villain, some interesting narrative twists and turns, and good action.

I don't understand the underwhelming response to this one. I immediately ordered the Blu-Ray and am sure I'll watch it again more than once in the years to come.


Agreed. It was a good actioner, made at Sly's peak. He basically took the original Beverly Hills Cop script (that was intended for him) and he combined it with Rambo - more edge & more action. The film is coated with that classic 80s atmosphere vibe, with the soundtrack & cinematography playing a key role in that.

Sly is one of those actors that can say a lot without saying much. He's very good at emoting without trying too hard to be cool, he is cool just by being himself. Cobretti is one of his standout parts. His chemistry with Neilson also helps the film as well, since they were married at the time.
