Finally saw it. Highly underrated film.
Cobra has been on my to-watch list literally for about 35 years and I FINALLY got around to seeing it a few nights ago. It is shocking to me that this film only has a 5.8 on IMDB and that on RT the audience score is only 43%.
This is a really good 80s action film, a movie from a bygone era of heroes who kick ass and stand up to injustice with their fists and don't take any shit while they're doing it. I found it to be a stylish film with a great hero character who is brought to life effectively by Stallone. It also features a surprisingly charming turn from Brigitte Nielsen (who probably never was more feminine and beautiful than she is here), a genuinely creepy villain, some interesting narrative twists and turns, and good action.
I don't understand the underwhelming response to this one. I immediately ordered the Blu-Ray and am sure I'll watch it again more than once in the years to come.