I have a dream to see Earth's Children books (at least the first three) made into films with the quality and effects of LOTR. Imagine the Neanderthals, the mammoths, the cave bears and the religious visions of the Clan made with modern technique - and the plot writte by real good script writers! Peter Jackson could do it. Or somebody should. I would love to see Ayla learning to speak, making love with Jondalar (filmed from a perspective of a woman's pleasure...), hunting, riding, playing with a cave lion.... wouldn't you? Who do you imagine in playing the main parts - Ayla, (Clan people could be done with computer), Jondalar, Thonolan, Talut, Nezzie, Deegie, Ranec...? Please share your ideas.
You're not the only one that would love to see these made truer to form than the 1980's movie. The description in the books would transfer beautifully if the director people would give it a chance.
I'd love to see the first 4 books made like this. And if they all turned out to be 6 hours long each, I would love them all the more. (The original Dances With Wolves was 5 hours, nobody complained there). With the make-up and CG effects avaliable now it wouldn't take much to make short people (Ayla was taller than clan in her last few years there) into respectable Clan people.
At that, the 4th book is my favorite and I'd love to see them traveling and the differences between peoples.
Naomi Silverflame, of the Kingdom of the Golden Plains (gotta love Amtgard =^-^=)
I'd also love to see this and the rest of Auel's novels made into films. I read them all and although not sure how accurate the depiction of the era is in the novels, still Auel seems to have done her research thoroughly and the books are immensely entertaining reads. I think it really sucks that Hollywood has the capacity to release expensive junk that are a total waste of space (like White Chicks for example.... need to say more?) and still the bigshot producers carry on ignoring Auel's brilliant novels. They could even turn the whole thing into a good TV series with the budget of 'Lost' or '24'. Wouldn't that be great?
A lot of today's acctresses would fit the role of an adult Ayla perfectly. I personally think that Nicole Kidman would probably be great for the part despite the fact that she's older than Ayla's character (although she most probaly wouldn't do it as a TV series unless some crazy producer could tempt her with an exuberant fee). I do have a very 'soft spot' for Nicole if you know what I mean... Scarlet Johansen could be another one for the part, or cast for one of the supporting roles. Jondalar could be played by Jason Patric or some other good looking dark-haired male lead. He has played mediterranean men before (he was Nick Tellis, a Greek-American in NARC), and he is a good actor so he would fit the part perfectly. Good choices for Jondalar could also be either Italian, Greek or Spanish actors, after all Jondalar's tribe was from the Iberian peninsula (modern Spain/Portugal) so it'd make sense to cast a dark haired mediterranean-looking white male for the part. Sorry ladies, no room for Brad Pitt here, he looks far too Nordic... He would be great to play one of the secondary parts (when Ayla meets clans from Central or North-East Europe during her travels) but knowing Brad he wouldn't take anything else but the male lead, so it's probably out of the question.
But all this is fantasy land... I sincerely don't think Hollywood would ever turn these books into films and this is so sad...
Dunno about who i'd cast (daryl hannah would be hard to replace).
Right now i don't think hollywood can do anything with the books, since Auel is still in court over the screwd up movie. She probably won't let anyone else touch the books for making movies.
Naomi Silverflame, of the Kingdom of the Golden Plains (gotta love Amtgard =^-^=)
I agree wholeharetedly. That is why I am working on a screenplay on the sly. If it dosent go over, then fine, I have had my fun... but this CAN be done..NEEDS to be done, and hopefully there are some people with enough vision and inspiratiion to do it.
It is my dream to see these books made into movies. It is also my dream to direct film. I may as well follow it.
That's cool. And a very welcome dream, in my opinion. Someone who's a major fan of the books...and want's to keep the movie as close as possible to true needs to be the one to do this.
Its certainly something i'd put alot of my money in.
Naomi Silverflame, of the Kingdom of the Golden Plains (gotta love Amtgard =^-^=)
I completely disagree. If the whole series were made into movies they'd end up just porn. The whole thing went downhill with the introduction of Jondalar and his ridiculously big penis. Too much sex ruined the storyline. And I'm no prude. I have no problem with sex unless it's at the detriment of the story. And it is in Auel's books.
I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture... and kill them.
It doesn't necessarily have to become porn, the movies could focus more on the other things around; scenery, rituals, meetings, hunting, tracking etc. If the director would try to just let the sex come with the flow I don't think it would become to explicit.
I so very much loved these books. I read Clan when I was 13 (with a dictionary in one hand and the book in the other, LOL) and I have reread it MANY times since. I waited 10 long years for Shelters of Stone to come out and read it the day it was released.
It would make my heart soar to see these books put to film in the fashion of LOTR. The devotee's of the books for LOTR argue that Jackson took alot of artistic liberties, which is understandable. I have tried to read the books, and still cannot be bothered. I found them dry and uninteresting. Jackson made them alive. I feel he could take Clan and make it inot something wonderful if he was allowed the room to do so.
As to cast selections...I think I would prefer some unknowns to play the parts. Ptting a "famous" Hollywood actor or actress in the film would distract from the story in my opinion. And, they could make the movie without the emphasis on sex. Implied sexual moments would more than suffice. Hollywood has forgotten how to allow the audience to use their imaginations.
It is good to be open-minded, but not so much so that your brains fall out!
I agree the books made for VERY dry reading (and I LOVE to read), but since I deliver the newspaper and have about 2 hrs every morning to let my mind wander, I decided to try them on audio cd. Wow! SO much better. I recommend listening to them instead. I don't think you'll regret it.
Porn would be taking Laural K. Hamilton's 'Anita Blake' books and making them into movies. Earth's Children is tame , trust me.
I hope she does let someone make the books into a series of movies, while keeping a close eye on the production. That one movie i'd love to be an extra in. =^-^=
Naomi Silverflame, of the Kingdom of the Golden Plains (gotta love Amtgard =^-^=)
Um I am only up to the lunitic cafie book and there hasn't been much sex. Well she thinks about it but not real sex like clan of the cave bear and the other ones have. if they do make this into a film it would be better to go back to how they had sex during the production code were it has all the lead up then a fade out. It would be intresting
Read on, Aubrey. Naomi is dead on with Laurell Hamilton's Anita Blake series. It's pretty tame to start with, but gets very sexual further on. Her most recent "book" (Micah) was pretty much a short-story of a sex scene, an airplane ride talking about sex, and five minutes of Anita actually doing her job.
Jean's books have sex in them, but in some cases it is done as a plot point. You also have to remember that Jean's books were written in the seventies and early eighties, when definately parts of the US were still into the free love/swinging era. So while it is a bit more "adult" than some books you might read today, it is in no way a pornographic novel, nor would it have to be made into a pronographic movie.
That all being said, I don't see the series being turned into a movie anytime soon. Jean was very disturbed with the way the first was produced, as she discusses on her website and several of the Earth Children Series webring sites. I imagine she's enjoying being a grandmother, writing book six, and doing her "research" which equates to family vacations throughout Europe.
I think the porn-thing is not the worst. I loved the first book, and the movie too. But reading the rest of them disappointed me. Over time Ayla tranforms into some unrealistic superhero who saves the earth time after time. (Celebrating with supersex.)And when she finely seems beaten, her wolf appears as a deus ex machina to rescue her. I never bothered to read the lost book. Don't waste time on a trilogy.
Hmm, she was a bit of a super woman, inventing everything from needles to fire tools to finding out that men/women/sex created babies, being a powerful shaman, an exceptional and inventive medicine woman, and also of course clever, compelling, and very beautiful. Quite over the top IMO. Yet of course this all explained by her unusual upbringing and learning curve, i.e. by Shelters of Stone she has the benefit of several cultures, and two species.
Yet the books are highly enjoyable, and she doesn't save the "earth", she saves a tribe or two, nothing different really from any hero in a quest/fantasy story.
I read all of the books and I did not focus on his "ridiculously large" thingy.I was more focused on the part where she was the medicine woman and the person who could talk to animals.I admired her strength in fighting for the weak.I don't know what was in the books you read but the ones I read,there were a few sex scenarios but not as many as there were of ayla being ayla.I am sincerely hoping the last book finds her reuniting with her son and give broud the whatfor.
Life is not about going to your grave regretting your life!!
Auel's gonna make 'em. She's won back the rights for the first movie - because it apparently broke the contract! So, although she may have sold it outright, she now gets to sell it again - and she will, I think she's in negotiations... probably waiting until the whole set is finished though. (So that maybe a director can opt to make a trilogy of films out of the set, once he knows the ending... I don't know why they don't do the same as the Harry Potter people and make a different movie from each book though... maybe they're worried that there aren't quite enough fans of these books, as there are for Potter books?? Hollywood is greedy.)
Bet some more movies will be made, though. Woman power - that's what I like to see!!
G:I can call spirits from the vasty deep. H:..But will they come when you do call for them?
I'm currently reading the final novel "Shelters of Stone", but I agree wholeheartedly that this series should be made into a movie series.
As for the actors, as long as they can really give a really great 'understated' screen presence, without the overacting of LOTR then it doesn't matter who they would be.
my father thought that possibly they could make it as an animated series.... after seeing Ice Age, and tone down the sexual side of things... and the market would be huge...
I'm watching Clan of the Cave Bear now, and i' must say... Daryll Hannah was great in that... and the scenery... so i would go with film not animation.
Yeah, it would be nice. But I think you would have to have some good actors to carry over the key Clan roles... not just a computer. Maybe real actors, but with parts of their faces and bodies digitally modified on each frame? And makeup?? You can do that with computers! (They did it on that Eddie Murphy movie, with the fat guy, The Mad Professor or whatever it was called. Where he played Professor Klump with a weight problem.) But not a whole body suit... like for Gollum on LTR. An actor with real expressions. For Creb. Etc.
(Otherwise it would be like having a movie with half the characters black and half of them white - with the black characters only represented by computer icons!! Wouldn't give the right effect.)
We shouldn't rely OVERLY on computers.... as moviemakers, if anyone reading this is one!!
G:I can call spirits from the vasty deep. H:..But will they come when you do call for them?
I would love to see all of the books done. There's five of them now. I have every single one and love each and every one of them. I've probably read "Clan of the Cave Bear" seven or eight times alone. I loved these books so much that my daughter is named Ayla! I think the original movie was alright but didn't really enjoy Darryl Hannah as Ayla and always thought someone younger should have been playing her. Yes they would have to be long movies but they would certainly be big hits.
As for who to play who, I'm not really sure on that one. It would have to be someone blond to play both and they would have to be good performers for sure. Someone mentioned that they would certainly be porn, I really don't think that the books were that focused on sex, yes sex was a key part in the story lines but there were other things going on too, the traveling, the hunting, learning about other people it was all there, it was all about the beginning of civilization.
Who should play Ayla? Not Nicole Kidman for one. Firstly she does not have the physical strength Ayla has. The books continually comes back to Aylas strength and stamina. Who ever she is, she has to be beautiful. Anna Kornikova? Although she has looked a bit...well... worn? recently. I think she has the beauty needed to be Ayla. I dont know if she can act. What im getting at is, Ayla needs to be beautiful. Im not sure, im just so in love with the books and the whole life style. I would give anything to go and live back in those days. Thanks.
I really agree with having someone beautiful yet healthy and fit play Ayla. (In my opinion Nicole is just a pretty face on a frail body... totally unsexy!) I'm not even going to go into how great this trilogy is, I think we all agree! For me, the sex scenes are really part of the story, particularly when they are linked so strongly to Ayla and Jondalar's relationship and their story... you can have love scenes that don't cut out early that aren't too graphic, especially for these two as without the love scenes you would miss out on a whole lot! hehe Although, as mentioned earlier there is such as a thing as implied sex scenes... and when done well convey a whole lot more than any graphic ones. Well anyway, that's just what I think. I really would love to see this series on the big screen, and I really think that it could easily be a box office smash if it was done well. Famous actors are really unecessary for leading rolls... Just look at LOTR! Fresh faces are great. These books are even greater!
If it can make money and Jean Auel is interested in money, I'm sure it will be made into a movie franchise. I certainly hope so as the books were great. The technologies these days may even allow for suitably realistic CGI animation rather than using live characters (vis-Ă -vis Polar Express). This might also address one of the challenges I see with the production - realistic looking Neanderthals. IMHO that was one of the problems with the Daryl Hannah version - the clan were too homo sapien.
I liked the original movie a lot. Daryl Hannah was perfect for the role and while I would love to see her naked, I think it would have been a mistake in this movie. The story is fundamentally empowering for women and nudity on the screen (not to be mistaken with on-screen sex) would have been too distracting and robbed it of some of its punch.
As for the laments that the sequels would be little more than porn, I don't think so. With the nasty, brutish, and short lives of early humans, sex and procreation must have been about the only thing that made life worth living. If this was reality, it can and should be depicted in the movies - tastefully I would hope. Now as a short aside that I find amusing, as I recall from the books, Jondolar started out with, how shall I say this, with a physical attribute that we might describe as being consistent with being "Jewish". In the next book, he converted back to the state he was born with. I realize Ms. Auel is a thorough researcher but it seems like this particular detail got confused and slipped through.
Anyway, like I said, I enjoyed the original movie but I also agree it had a number of shortcomings. I'm not sure how to best overcome these with a remake and sequels. Here’s my list:
1. Clan signing with written captions to translate: Personally I don't mind this one bit and it is also more true to the books, but I think it may throw cold water on the prospect of a major production. The books are LOTR long and reading (as opposed to hearing) dialog can limit the pace of the story telling. If an expert were to ask me, I'd suggest that maybe a hybrid would work. The actors could do voice-overs of the dialog in synch to their on-screen grunting and gesticulating... the director's challenge might be to avoid making it seem like a dubbed over kung-fu movie.
2. Neanderthals as comely characters: It's funny that in the original story, Ayla was described as ugly - from a Neanderthal point of view. But in the original movie, not only were the homo sapiens (Daryl Hanna and her beau) good looking, the Neanderthals were mostly good looking too. In fact Iza was kind of hot and stood out in the same way she (the same actress) did as the wife of Gordon "Hotdog" Cooper did in "The Right Stuff". Even Creb with his one eye wasn't terribly hideous. To stay true to the book, the clan people will have to be big and ugly (by our current standards of beauty). Will people go see a movie with mostly ugly protohumans? I'm not so sure they will in light of the mediocre success of recent movies like "The Hulk".
3. Sex: The books' writings are strong on imagery and in my opinion far better at it than the LOTR books. Even the characters' dialogs are described in visual terms (see 1 above). So how to get around the many sex scenes such as the many times he gawks at her naked body? I champion putting it in and fighting the censors, the conservative bible thumpers, and other protestors. Just keep it tasteful. The first books were published in the eighties and were favorites of girls and young women around the world. If the movies are honest to the books without being too explicit by our current standards, maybe these same, now older, women will allow their own daughters and sons to see the films. Like I said, it’s empowering for women and that might rule the day.
4. Credibility: The first book/movie was based on some real archaeological finds that I first saw published in National Geographic. The subsequent sequels had less and less archeological evidence to draw upon until by the final book the stories were embracing overt metaphysical phenomena. Somewhere along the way Ayla’s story crossed the line from historical fiction to fantasy.
Okay, enough said except… Ms. Auel, make your movies if you wish, I’ll go see them. Don’t worry if you don’t want to. Your books will always trump a movie version and what’s more, they’ll likely stand the test of time as they’ve already been 25,000 years in the making. I can easily imagine someone 300 years from now READING Clan of the Cave Bear and enjoying it like we might enjoy Wuthering Heights today. I doubt people will take in a movie version of the story in 300 years. It will be too twentieth centuryish.
Actually, a Voice Over, if done right, would be interesting. The Clan members didn't talk much anyway, it was all body language, so the fear of 'bad-dubbing' would be nil. If the voice-over's were done 'softly' (i can't think of anyother way to say it) I would like it, and we'd be seeing the clan world as much like Ayla did as possible.
Ironically, i think that Movie-Creb was the most clan-looking of the bunch.
To imply nudity, one doesn't have to show the whole body, that is one solution. I've seen it done before.
And 95% of the time, a book always trumps the movie. LoTR is the first that doesn't, mostly because i can't seem to read the books, and "The Chronicles of Narnia" is the second. The books are ok, but the movie was so much more, made the story so much more real.
Naomi Silverflame, of the Kingdom of the Golden Plains (gotta love Amtgard =^-^=)
this book is amazing but in my personal opinion would not translate well to film.
no one can take cave people seriosly, and ayla discovers to many thing which would be rubbed in the audiences face if a film was made. Along with this some of the stuff is so cringe 'womanmaker?' that i would probably throw up if they where said in front of a room of non-readers.
however it would be intresting to know which actor had enough inches to live up to jondolers pocket rocket.
LOTR isn't a trilogy. Back then when JRR Tolkien made the books...paper was REALLY expensive so he had to make the book into 3 different books so it wouldn't be so expensive...and thats how they made the movies too instead of one big one. So technically its not a triolgy
I realy hope they do not make this into a computer animated series (like some people have said). If they were to make it like ice age, or the polar express i would cry and not see it. Another thing is I hope they don't use to much CGI. They should only realy use it when they have to. I do see this into being able to make into a series of movies. The only thing is that the first movie they would make (clan of the cave bear) would be the hardest.
I have my serious doubts to these books made into film... I think "the Clan of the Cave Bear" might make a good film if it was done properly (unlike the version that exists) and I think "the Mammoth Hunters" would be an excellent film! But the other three books, I'm not so sure.
If you look at "the Valley of Horses" the only parts that would be interesting on film are the parts with Jondalar and Thonolan. Ayla has a few moments which would be good on screen, basically her bits with the animals, but other than that her story would be boring seen on screen. A woman doing ordinary things without speaking or interacting with humans. That doesn't work well in a movie. And you can't have a movie that mainly relies on two characters introduced in this installment. For a second movie to work for all viewers, including those unfamiliar to the books, it would have to have its main focus on Ayla, the character we know from before.
"The Plains of Passage" is an even bigger problem. If you remove the descriptions of scenery, the times Ayla makes tea, the sex and the stuff that is repeated ten times over (such as Ayla's ideas on where children come from and Jondalar's annoyance with Wolf) you would have around 200 pages left. You can remove two thirds of the book and not lose the story, and when you make it into a film most of the descriptive text would be eliminated. We would see the nature they pass rather than have 5 pages describing it and nobody would want to listen to the eighth dialogue about what is in Ayla's tea.
I have only read "the Shelters of Stone" once before, I just begun reading it again today actually, but I remember thinking it wouldn't be an interesting film. The fifth book contradicts too much of what has been said in the previous books. Everything we know about Jondalar's family is suddenly no longer valid, they are all excited to accept the Clan as humans etc, etc, etc. In a movie that would make no sense.
Another problem is that Ayla is just a Super Woman in the books, and it gets annoying enough in text but in a film it would be unbearable. She invents EVERYTHING it seems, she has magical powers left, rigth and center and everyone sees her as an incarnation of the Mother. Few people would like such an amazing character in a movie, there would be too little to identify with.
No, I say don't film the books. It can hardly end well. And it has nothing of the adventure that helped make LotR so amazing. "Clan..." is more about life and what happens over the years and that doesn't work as well on-screen.
Good idea. I don't know who I'd like to see cast, but she'd have to be able to act without relying on dialogue (at least for Cave Bear and Valley of Horses). Peter Jackson made LOTR as a single film distributed in 3 parts (FOTR, TTT, ROTK) across 3 mediums (Cinema, DVD, TV) in two versions (Cinema and Extended) - mostly for financial and aesthetic reasons. Earth's Children may have to be made that way, as well (filming all 5 books [maybe 6 books?] at the same time). Producers may consider the project if the distribution chain can generate enough revenue. Maybe something along the lines of: Cave Bear Cinema Movie, Cave Bear DVD Movie, Cave Bear TV Movie, Cave Bear TV Mini Series, Cave Bear DVD Mini Series, Cave Bear TV Episodes, Cave Bear DVD Episodes, with each iteration revealing more "unseen" material. The rollout of the other books would also be staggered. It took Jackson almost 10 years from Go-To-Whoa for LOTR, but he *only* wanted to make a movie. I would like to see Earth's Children at the movies (for the action), a mini series (for the drama) and a t.v. series (for the characterisations). Yes, I think each book has enough material for it's own season of t.v. - 6 books x 26 episodes x 45 minutes = 7020 minutes = 117 hours, three hours short of 5 days continuous viewing!! Oh. Um... that's alot of t.v. anyway, that's the way I'd do it - if I had the cash. And the talent. And the contacts. And the nouse. And the time... Actually, I've got the time but I'm HEAPS short on everything else.
"Porn would be taking Laural K. Hamilton's 'Anita Blake' books and making them into movies. Earth's Children is tame , trust me." first of all, as a devoted and obsessed Anita Blake Fan, I need to defend the series...well i can try. I love them and they are great...really...they are.
Back on topic...they would have to do computer generation to for the Clan....at least so it doesnt look like it did in Clan of the Cave Bear orgional (SP...I cant spell...sorry) it wasnt pulled off well. I agree with the tv series or the minin sreies to get people intrested. and the wording would have to be thought out for previously mentioned reasons.