The DVD release is not only fullscreen, it's the same transfer used for the VHS release! If you want proof, watch until the end credits are over. An address for Lightning Video pops up on the screen. Lightning released the VHS back in the 80s, and have been out of business for years. This is not a great movie by any means, but even schlock deserves a widescreen transfer...
It's been rumored and said that this film was meant more for a full screen transfer. And yes, it's from the VHS master copy. Possibly the only version of the film available. I'm sure, just like the bots themselves, the actual original footage has long degraded and been destroyed. But don't skip the DVD simply because of the video type and quality. The few extras are nice. You get to see the trailer, which includes clawed protector hands. Also, you can get the DVD is most places, where as you can't with the VHS edition. Also, some places that do have the VHS copy (including sell it more than the DVD.
My advice, get the DVD, for there's probably not going to be another release, unless LGHE (Lion's Gate Home Entertainment) decides to release one. And there's probably not going a be a sequel/remake of it either.
Since Chopping Mall has such a small following (it's not a more well known B-movie, like say The Evil Dead), it's not exactly like distributors are clammoring to release the thing. You have to take what you can get, and since this is the first time the movie's been available on video in about 15 years, this will probably be the only chance to own a copy of it.
Roger Corman is a notorious cheapskate, even more now that he works exclusively in the direct-to-video market, so odds are he isn't going to shell out a lot of money for a decent transfer. I say you grab it while you can.
Didn't have a trailer? thats odd since mine does and its the only DVD release out there for this film (Lion Gates). I think the transfer is fine. The image is dark, but thats only because of poor lighting shooting the film, not because of the quality. And so what if it is from the same stock as the VHS release? The stock of the VHS release is ussually the same as the theatrical so it doesnt make a bit of difference. The picture quality is fine and is a hell of a lot better than any VHS and i've seen many. The DVD is well worth it, esspecially for the commentary track. It bugs me that people complain about picture quality. These movies are old B-Flicks, we're lucky we have a picture quality as good as this. This is probably the only thing available. The best print is ussually in the hands of the Director/Producer, if he doesnt have one for one reason or another, then they have to track one down and thats a b*tch.
Just wanted to say that this film was shot in full frame but that still doesnt make up for the bad print. I live in the uk and our dvd is really poor so I'm holding off for the US release. Classic film.
Here in the States, the Lion's Gate release has the theatrical trailer, a short documentary on the making of the robots, and director's commentary. If you can get an American copy, go for it.
Skip the DVD? Because it's only full screen format?
Assuming that, like me, you are actually a fan of this God, do you know what a terrible thing that would be, for those few of us who know of and love this film? Here's a news flash for you, dvddude: _THIS IS NOT_ A WELL-KNOWN FILM. I for one was overjoyed when I heard this was getting a DVD release, I was actually afraid it would just disappear into obsucrity. Not only that, but it gets a short making-of documentary and filmmakers commentary as well, which to me seemed almost too good to be true. And you're not happy because the disk is full-screen only?
Here's what will happen if we all take your advice: No future copies of the DVD will be made, and the distributers will say,"Well, it was an obsucre little film, guess not many people knew of or wanted it, it was a waste of money to put it out on DVD." I am a proud owner of a CHOPPING MALL DVD, and as others have said, be happy with what you've got. And again, those are some sweet extras you've got there which in my mind more than make up for any short-comings.
I doubt very much this film would disappear into obscurity. Granted it's not mainstream, but it's no where as obscure as some of you make it out to be- besides, far far more obscure 80's horror films have been released on DVD(Long Island Cannibal Massacre, They Don't Cut The Grass Anymore, Dark Heritage, Cannibal Campout to name a few)
My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.
Man how can you say skip the DVD? It has great stuff in it! Commentary, the making of documentary, trailer. It's a solid DVD i thought. I dont think the transfer should matter, it doesn't look horrible.
Actually it was shown on Showtime HD in fullscreen too, so it may have been shot in 1:33:3 or 1:33:7. I am watching the dvr'ed copy I recorded and the black bars are there on the side of the screen while it is much crisper looking than the dvd.
The transfer may stink, but it's certainly better than nothing. Anyone who skips the DVD will certainly miss out. Afterall, it's not like there'll ever be a Blu-Ray release for this movie.