MovieChat Forums > The Boy Who Could Fly (1986) Discussion > any other movies like this that anyone c...

any other movies like this that anyone could recommend

I am chasing a particular movie I cant remember it that well but I think its about a boy who finds an alien or family of aliens and with the help of his neighbour has to avoid the government and its not et.


Are you thinking of "Mac and Me" (1988)?



I'd suggest checking "Flight Of The Navigator" or even "Explorers" even if it's not one of those films they're worth watching. Classics.


Flight of the Navigator
Adventures in Babysitting
Karate Kid 1, 2, and 3
Batteries Not Included
The Goonies

Basically all Sunday tea time films.


I would recommend (even though it's rather hard to find) the other movies that Jay is best known for, the "Not Quite Human" series. "Flight of the Navigator", "Blade Runner", "X-Men 1 and 2" and "The Karate Kid" series are all really good as well. I know it's cliché, but I would also put any of the TNG ST movies in there as well. So far Data is the closest character I can find to Chip Carson on many levels, and I definitely am a big fan of both.


If you like this film you'll like Wildflower, Return to Oz, Labyrnth, Kpax, Neverending Story, Whispers of the Heart


You should check out Crazy Moon-it was a great movie.


"Return to Oz", "Labyrinth", "10TH Kingdom" maybe?


Definately none of the above,i reckon it was Mac and Me

Aslan is on the move
i am a drewketeer

one for all and all for DREW


I have seen Kpax that was a pretty good film. Not Quite Human i bearly remember. I have Flight Of The Navagater. Pe-Wee Hearmen did Max's voice. Batters Not Included. was good with the ailen Robots

Bond James Bond


"The Last Starfighter" is also an awesome blast from the past; I highly recommend it!


I recommend:

1. The Wizard (another Fred Savage movie)
2. The Manhattan Project
3. War Games
4. Cloak & Dagger
5. Benji (any of the sequels too)
6. Milo & Otis
7. Homeward Bound (sequels as well)
8. Voyage of the Mimi
9. Escape To Witch Mountain and Return To Witch Mountain

There are of course more but this is all I can think of.


Well, if you're into a more romantic type movie, there is "Shadowlands", "Children of a Lesser God" or "Frida" (they're pretty different from BWCF, and largely true stories or else very realistic, but still made me feel similar things). If you want something with a more transcendentalist bent, then I would try "Mircale Worker" or "Brooke Ellison Story" or "Rain Man". Another good movie about autism is "Under the Piano", which I myself quite like.

Some ideas...


you're thinking of D.A.R.Y.L


you might be thinking of "meet the applegates" or "the applegates" its called in some places.



I was wondering if anyone remembered a movie, I think it was made in the 80s, where a group of friends actually build a spaceship in their garage or something like that and they fly it into space...I can't remember the rest. I thought Corey Feldman was in it, but I think it was another actor with glasses who was one of the guys. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.


I think that was The Explorers, and I think Ethan Hawk and River Phoenix were both in it. Great movie!

Yeah, I think the topic creator was thinking of Mac and Me. It's basically where the family finds Mac(who gets separated from his parents on Earth) and tries to located Mac's family to save them before they dehydrate(they need to drink soda to survive). I have the DVD. Cute story with one strange McDonalds dance scene.

But yeah, I love all those 80s family movies:

The Never-Ending Story
Mac & Me
The Last Starfighter
The Boy Who Could Fly
Flight of the Navigator
Cloak & Dagger
The Explorers
The Goonies
Return to Oz
The Monster Squad


Stand By Me is another classic not exactly a family movie but its worth watching because River Phoenix is in it:P

"Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on."- River Pheonix


that was Explorers... River Phoenix is the one with the glasses... he was so cute

"Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on."- River Pheonix


A very underrated and overlooked 80's gem that is similar to every film anyone has mentioned in this thread is Joey aka Making Contact (1985) by Roland Emmerich. When Rolan saw E.T. for the first time in theaters, he knew his next film was going to be a tribute to Steven Spielberg's films which is Roland's fave director. Joey is a cross between E.T. and Poltergeist and has a lil' bit of each Spileberg film from that time mixed in. Here's a TV spot for it, I can't find a long trailer for it:

This was one of my fave films as a kid and there are two different versions for it, the original German theatrical version, and the re-edited U.S. version with a different ending and score which makes it almost an entirely different film, believe it or not. For the pure Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi version I grew up with, I'd recommend the U.S. version before watching the original German version. This film truly is an extremely overlooked family film from the 80's. Hope you enjoy it!
