MovieChat Forums > The Boy Who Could Fly (1986) Discussion > What Did Audiences Do To See This Film I...

What Did Audiences Do To See This Film In 1986 ?

Can someone please tell me how people saw this film in 1986 ?

Was it a made-for-TV movie in Canada ? Or in the United States ?

Jason Priestley was an unknown 16-year-old living with his parents in British Columbia when he filmed his bit part without any lines, so I am assuming "The Boy Who Could Fly" was filmed in Canada. Fred Savage is American, but he easily could have gotten permission to work as a juvenile in Canada. It was before "Wonder Years."

What I cannot figure out is if the movie played in theaters, went directly to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), went directly to one of the American networks or straight to video.

People have said in this message board that they recall seeing the film a long time ago. How did you see it, and which country were you in ? If it was Canada, was it the CBC or did Canada have another network in 1986 ? Of course, there were few cable channels in either country back then.

Appreciate the help. Thanks. I plan to buy the DVD. Of course, there was no DVD format in 1986. That's all I can figure out.




<< I was in the US when I saw it in the 80's. >>

In a movie theater or on a cable channel ? Thank you.


I would like to know, too.



It was briefly in the theatres in 86 and eventually ended up on Disney... And unfortunately VHS. My brother got it for Christmas that year... If I had a quarter back for every time I had to sit through this movie...

WTF happened to the lead actor anyway?>
*~Gimme a kiss FAT BOY! ~*


I saw it on VHS in the late eighties in New Zealand. Still love it.


It was filmed in Porseverik, Russia in 1985 due to location commitments on a budget of 4 million dollars US. It was intended for North American theatrical release but due to the constraints of the Cold war at the time it went straight to VHS. Late in 1986 Freg Gwynne (a massive star in Russia due to the Munsters) who played Uncle Hugo in the movie payed to have certain scenes re-shot in the US and the movie was rereleased and greeted by good box office results.

Hope that helps.


<< It was filmed in Porseverik, Russia in 1985 due to location commitments on a budget of 4 million dollars US. It was intended for North American theatrical release but due to the constraints of the Cold war at the time it went straight to VHS. Late in 1986 Freg Gwynne (a massive star in Russia due to the Munsters) who played Uncle Hugo in the movie payed to have certain scenes re-shot in the US and the movie was rereleased and greeted by good box office results.

Hope that helps. >>

Are you sure none of it was filmed in British Columbia in Canada ?

I ask that because Jason Priestley, who lived in British Columbia at the time, appears as an extra without saying any lines. I find it hard to believe he would travel, at age 16, to the United States to be an extra without reciting lines. If you are sure about re-shooting certain scenes in the USA, is it possible they were done in Washington state near British Columbia ?


Are you sure none of it was filmed in British Columbia in Canada ?

Perfectly sure, I was bulls--ting.

If you are sure about re-shooting certain scenes in the USA, is it possible they were done in Washington state near British Columbia ?

I said I was Bulls--ting, bitch!


why don't you guys just check the "filming location" section before writing all the nonsense about russia. and then fight over it. grow up!

and if you can't bother, here is what it says:
Butchart Gardens, Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich, British Columbia, Canada
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

i hope you're both happy...


He couldn't go to Russia because he didn't have a suit and tie.


Cindy, the above poster is being a troll. The film was shot in Canada. It had a theatrical release more or less worldwide although it wasn't a long or highly promoted one. The US box office is listed on this site as $7.1 million dollars (not bad for a low budget pic) and $2.1 million dollars Australian (which is pretty good). Box office mojo has it at 88th in the yearly ranking for '86, and says it opened at 39 theatres (limited) and 661 (wide) with a peak of 664 theatres. It's weekend gross for the wide release was $1.6 million (US).

It was shown on the Disney channel and released on home video worldwide, and once again I believe it was reasonably popular (not huge, but consistent). There's some pretty good info on the film in the commentary on the DVD.


you can also get the B.O. gross on


That post from "cindytrells" is completely false. It was almost entirely filmed in Vancouver, B.C. in 1985, but some parts were filmed around Vancouver. It was very well reviewed when it was released in theaters in the U.S. and Canada. I'm a personal friend of a member of the technical staff on this film... and I was born in Vancouver. It was so much fun seeing Butchart Gardens in the movie, which is on Victoria, a Canadian island just south-east of Vancouver


I'm sorry, it was "raf-33" who posted the false statements on this thread, not "cindytrells". My apologies. Anyway... it was filmed in Vancouver, Canada.


i watched this in cinema in Sydney Australia on it's 2nd cinema release I think, movie house was packed,


It was filmed in Vancouver, BC Canada with all the leads being American actors. It played in theaters in both Canada & the US & then was released onto DVD


It was on Disney Channel all the time when I was a kid!! I LOVE this movie!!

"Every night I save you" ---

"Handsome man saves me" ---

RIP Andy Hallett


I got to see it in the theater in San Diego, California. Flight of the Navigator came out that same year as well. I remember going to see both movies twice.

The Boy who could fly was in the theaters for about 2 months (approx) then on the Disney channel as everyone has stated before. I too, remember the warning before and after the movie on the Disney Channel.


I was only 5 years old at the time, but I DO remember my mother taking me, my brother, one of my brother's friends, and our neighbor's kid to see this movie in the summer of '86. So yes, it DID come to theaters in the U.S., and I lived in a small town called Anderson in Indiana at the time. I also remember we had to drive a decent amount of time to the nearest theater it played at.

"Danger's my middle name. Mine's Cornelius. You tell anyone, I'll kill you"


I saw it at a studio screening, a friend did product placement.


I saw it at the local Cannon cinema in Hampstead, North West London in 1986 in England, UK.

That means this film definitely had a European release.


U.S. saw it on VHS in the 80's.

Babies taste like chicken


I saw this on HBO in the 80's- probably for the first time in 87 or 88.

My name is Buck, and I'm here to party.
(Thank you TNT for that dubbing brilliance)


I saw it on the Disney Channel first. We got it on VHS later.

"Welcome to Bangkok!" *WHAP!!!!!!!*


Saw it in a local cinema/theatre here in Australia when it was first released. Same place and around the same time I saw 'Transformers: The Movie', too.

Such a nostalgic memory... the place was a "regular" theatre (or possibly a bingo/function hall type place), but there was an upstairs balcony where you sat to watch films when they were screened. One of those very vivid childhood memories, going to that place and what it looked like. I can even remember walking out of TBWCF and the posters for it on the outside wall.

Later saw (and loved) the movie a few times on VHS rentals during my childhood, but haven't seen it in years. I remember loving the soundtrack back then.

Would love to see it again now!
