"They want a movie with Dwayne Johnson. That's what they want. So they just picked that title. They don't give a shit about me and my movie. That movie wasn't a success."
That's how i see this going as well.They don't want to make a Big trouble in little China movie.They just want another quick cash grab vehicle for the Rock to do his thing.It will suck as much as Skyscraper,Rampage and Baywatch did.
If what you say is true they will miss out on my attendance. I like Dwayne and BTILC is one of my favorite fun movies from that era. The two make an interesting pairing. Can "The Rock" pull off a bumbling hulking version of Jack Burton though?
I would totally watch a Rock remake if the right people are behind the writing/directing. I am a huge fan of the original.
Trivia: "They Live" was originally supposed to be a sequel to Big Trouble. Kurt had other engagements that prevented him from doing Burton again so we got Piper's character instead. The mullet made it through to this alternate universe tale though. IIRC, he had planned it as a trilogy and one of his other films was rumored to be born from that long term idea. Maybe Ghosts of Mars?
What I read was that Kurt was filming Overboard and couldn't do it. And the rumor was there was too small a budget to lure him. With the change of lead, the character and universe were dumped. Piper didn't have the acting chops to pull off anything too sophisticated so they bare-bones'ed his lines. Remember his sleepy childhood story sharing and his scene in whats-her-name's apt? Yeesh.
I don't remember my source. Probably only word of mouth or someone claiming to have read some biography touching on it.
They Live looks like it had a $5,000 budget so maybe it was actually BECAUSE of funding. But it sure is cool.
It is cool that Pliskin almost made it to Mars but probably best for him. He escaped that role.
Now I can't stop thinking about "They Live" as a Jack Burton story. I have to believe he'd survive in the end and drive off not much caring that the world's suddenly changed.
"You listen to ol' Jack Burton when the markets collapse and secret messages give up their secrets and the bug-eyed monstrosity that used to be your wife is banging on your door. Bring on your worst, I can take it."