Was Hudson to blame?
I realise that humans make mistakes, that nobody’s perfect, I can accept that. This being said though does anyone else think that maybe Hudson was to blame for letting the Xenomorph’s into the complex?
Afterall Hudson was the individual tasked with the specific responsibility of ensuring ‘every possible way into this complex’ was secured.
Did he make the mistake of missing something ie the ceiling access? He was scared out of his mind there is no denying that, he was consumed with panic and fear and he made no effort to hide this, only overcoming it bravely in the final desparate battle which, like we all know cost him his life.
Did his fear of the situation let him miss that vital ‘way in’ to the complex?
I’ve often wondered about this.
Love this film though, I consider it one of, if not ‘the’ best action film ever made.