Alien 3 or Alien Resurrection?
Which one was better in your opinion?
I much prefer watching Alien 3 but that's not because I think Alien Resurrection isn't a good film. It's actually a pretty good blend of Alien3 and Aliens in style.
It's because Alien Resurrection is too creepy to enjoy watching! (It's also because I find Ripley's clone character so unsympathetic in it, part alien alien lover eugh). Anyone who says that the newborn 'looks stupid' or the like had better rethink just how'd they'd react if they actually came face to face with it. Something that does such evil things rarely looks cool and badass. If everyone thinks someone or something is cool or badass then that thing is unlikely to have developed the anger required to do evil things.
When we look at the newborn, we can see human emotions tragically imprisoned in a terrible shell of a body and the murderous side has won. It's like The Fly.
Alien 3 is a beautiful film that could have been even better with more scenes in it to develop character.
Anyone who says that the newborn 'looks stupid' or the like had better rethink just how'd they'd react if they actually came face to face with it.
Alien 3.
shareDifferent kinds of film, with different aspects.
It's a bit like asking who is the better tradesman, a plumber or an electrician - Neither overall 'better' than the other, really and with vastly different angles on vastly different perspectives.
I felt A3 delivered with slightly greater clarity than Res, but Res was more entertaining. Both were cheesy as *beep* though.
Res was clearly a Firefly test bed, while A3 deserves to die for the "You mean to tell me..." line alone!!
ANY film where the situation is explained, followed by a character saying something like, "Are you trying to tell me that ______", as they them sum up the plot development so far in the end of that one sentence immediately becomes a pile of badly written sh!te, catering for the lowest possible audience denominator and insulting to those with even half a brain.
Are you trying to tell me a seven year old kid cracked teh government supercode?
You mean to tell me we have no weapons at all?
Are you telling me that the asteroid is going to hit us?
Seems to happen in Bruce Willis films a lot....
You dont have to be insulted by that, its not mandatory
shareAlien 3 because it wrapped up the trilogy. Resurrection sucked balls..
shareOverall, I think Alien Resurrection was pretty good (not great). Part of it are excellent, but those are offset by parts that do "suck balls", particularly near the end.
I really need to give Alien 3 a fresh viewing, the extended cut, which I hear actually improves the movie quite a bit (director's cuts rarely make a big difference either way).
My turn off about Part 4 is that the movies end with hero Ellen Ripley literally exterminating the "xenomorph" race by killing the hatched Queen and was an obvious money-grab.
Then there's Alien vs Predator, Prometheus, etc. that make me sick :(
I've always thought it was pretty hard to find a movie worse than Alien 3, so Alien Resurrection for me. Neither one is that great but I always thought there was significant different in these two movies, and never wanted to see A3 again, while I could watch Alien Resurrection again if I had to! ;-)
shareI never liked Alien 3. It's a a dour, unrelenting bleak film. Alien 4, while absurd and nuts, is a lot of fun while still being plenty disturbing. The thing is. Alien 3 is a horrible follow up to Aliens. The film in its own right is pretty cool. But I hate it so much before it even starts. It never stood a chance.
shareYea alien 3 was a slap in the face due to the emotional investment we had in Aliens where riply takes a huge risk to go back for newt. Then poof all for nothing. By the time we forget about newt and hicks alien3 seems like a good film. In my case that didn't happen until Alien Resurrection came out and totally wiped out the sacrifice riply made in part 3. Seems like each subsequent film after Aliens keeps trying to piss on the earlier movie.
shareThis Fall, Dark Horse is adapting the original unused screenplay for Alien 3 by William Gibson into a comic. Gonna be cool to see what could have been.
share Is that the one where a space station starts morphon into alien bio mechanical material like the derelict?
Maybe? I have no idea but it's supposed to have something to do with evolving alien biology. There's another abandoned script about a wooden planet or something too. And then there was whatever Blompkamp was gonna do. Lots of Alien 3s out there.
share Nah the script I was thinking of that features the ship mutating into a bio mechanical being is Eric Reds script. Gibsons script is more about cold war tensions then it is Aliens.
I am reading that right now. So far, it is excellent. Makes me sad. Alien 3 is where it all ended in quality.
I actually prefer A4 over A3. They are both shit but A3 gave me nothing. A4 at least has a few cool moments and a great soundtrack. The only ones of quality are 1 & 2.
Alien 3 without question.
shareAlien 3. Better acting too and it uses original Ripley still. Resurrection does have its moments though.