MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > The acting is horrendous compared to Ali...

The acting is horrendous compared to Alien

The line delivery, ugh... it's the one thing that stops me coming back to this film.


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Maybe you would have liked it more if they had British actors like in the first and third films.


Eh, Brits in space work for British Sci-Fi shows. The universe in Cameron's Aliens looks like a typical futuristic American Space enterprise and not a withering Commonwealth collective where there would probably be more Scottish and Australian accents.


Nice list of examples you got there LOL


I've seen this movie hundreds of times and I never had a problem with any line delivery.


Me neither ... no problem with the acting at all.
Hundreds of times?


This movie actually has some of the best acting out there, especially for science fiction. It's entirely believable, just like the first film.


I don't know if it's the line delivery that makes me shudder, or the lines themselves.

Just not into the cheesy Marine jock jabber. Excessively animated. Stale.

Not a bad film overall, just not the greatest either.

I still think the first Alien is an all-time classic however.


What are you talking about ?? There is nothing wrong with any of the acting in this film! Sigourney Weaver was actually Oscar nominated for her role playing Ripley.


I finally watched this film and found the only good acting to come from Weaver and Henriksen. The entire group of "Marines" had way over-the-top overacting (I blame the director). Professional soldiers don't act that way.

The first film had utterly believable acting; this one just felt like a cheesy video game to me.


And how long was your military service?


The only Marines I really had a problem with were Apone who was overacting and Gorman who was underacting.

Interestingly, the actor who played Apone, Al Matthews, had been a Marine sergeant in real life.


Well said. Sums up my feelings perfectly.


wait till you see Alien3
