MovieChat Forums > Vision Quest (1985) Discussion > Something here doesn't add up

Something here doesn't add up

I don't follow wrestling but my college professor is a big fan. He told me that wrestling is scripted and results are pre determined, yet in this film, thats clearly not the case. Also pinfalls are a 3 count, yet here, its just a 1 count on numerous occasions. And Shute was the villain in this movie, yet he didn't try to cheat at all and my college professor told me in wrestling, all the villains attempt to cheat to win a match, many times using foreign objects


its a plothole


Its a huge plot hole, and just another plot hole


True Greco-Roman wrestling as depicted in this movie is not scripted AT ALL. It's a true sport. This is the sport that is practiced at high school and college.

WWE which is classified as entertainment and not a sporting event is scripted. That's what you are thinking of.


there's a South Park episode about this distinction


Thank you for clarifying


