Where in the Hell Are They Going?
The only backroads they would have used would have been in New York and Ohio... NORTHERN Ohio.(see map) http://oi42.tinypic.com/11lmsef.jpg
Where in the hell would they have come across a cop with a rather bad Nawthern Georgia and Suthern South Carolina accent? I've been all across this country, and have yet to find anyone in NY or Ohio that spoke like that cop. Indiana MIGHT have a few Southern sounding people, but they tend to be farther South, near Kentucky, but here again, they should have been on the interstate(not that that has anything to do with accents). The man in the pickup truck SAID he'd been traveling all day, so I will give him a pass. He could have been from South of the Mason-Dixon line, but that doesn't guarantee a Southern accent either. I've lived in the South all my life, and I don't have one. Both my parents are Yankees, yes, I forgive them, so none of us have accents.
No, where they SHOULD have been traveling, they should have been on interstates and away from people from the South. I understand they needed to be on a "backroad", to be able to have those scenes, but the accents?... no. That made NO sense.
The South HAS Risen, again.