4. This has to be the best thread on IMDB.
Possibly, or the saddest when you realize only four or five other posters beside yourself seem to get the point of the whole
Doctor Doctor Doctor bit.
I was going to resist bumping this thread until I noticed your:
5. Carry on.
I'm too lazy to search it out but I believe this
Doctor Doctor Doctor trope has also been done in one of the campy Gerald Thomas
Carry On films as well as MASH, Frasier, The Muppets (I think), as well as numerous other sitcoms. As you say:
2. The more you know about comedy, the better this scene gets.
Indeed, so much in
Spies Like Us was an homage to film makers and their craft.
They managed to do a send-up of so many film scene stand-bys:
-the bullet riddled getaway vehicle with both occupants unharmed.
-the horse opera chase scene with the overhanging branch.
-They Shoot (at) Horses Don't They? Luckily all bullets miss the horses.
-the stop-motion satellite animations.
-the cheesy death ray moving slow enough to be tracked by the camera.
-that alpine hairpin road seen in countless movies.
-tumbleweed rolls by the screen at a deserted location.
-the Get Smart elevator drop into a secret HQ bunker.
-goofy heroes survive army basic training obstacle course.
-the hard nosed/no-nonsense soldier, Rhombus (don't call him Square).
-a real POTUS makes a (sort of) minor cameo.
-black-clad ninjas with swords who politely wait to be beaten in turn.
-just put on a hat and coat to blend in with the natives.
-gorgeous women make excellent undercover field operatives in faraway lands.
-top level hardware is defeated by a rock and a hair-clip.
-save the day at the last second by reversing the polarity/numerical sequence.
-the sun always shines on tv(film) even at opposites hemispheres in real time.
- "East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet." ...unless we inject sex, drugs (vodka) and Rock 'N' Roll (or Soul/Blues music) into the dynamic, then both sides become instant pals and ...roll credits.
They meant to do it! The entire film was on purpose. If it's not the OP's idea of funny, then there's no point in five pages of people trading insults really. I'm just glad some of us got the gags.
Eeek!!! I'm getting dressed.