debbie or toni?

wh do u think is prettier, toni or debbie?
i think debbie.


Since this thread is about whose prettier and not which one you would date like some people here seem to think it is. I'd say Debbie was prettier

Eva *hearts* James Marsden!


i'd have to go with toni. i've known the pretty, cool, and sweet girls that held a candle for certain guys who spent their time chasing someone out of idealism and lust. toni all the way. plus, with the looks thing, there isn't a big difference between debbie and toni.
in real life, they're both beautiful woman. i guess i'd take lori loughlin. she's a bit more of an underdog.


I have to say both women are very beautiful but me as a typical guy I would more than likely go after Debbie who has the bad attitude because that is the kind of women I wind up with and the relationships never work.

Then again Toni is beautiful too because she is your friend when you need her to be and she can be the caring and loving woman you would want to have your back.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Typical dilemma! Debbie is so freakin hot, i mean smoking, but the more you look at Toni the more you realize she is the perfect girl!
I love this movie, I watch it every couple of years and I'm entertained every time. I gave it a 10, despite the obvious crappy cinematography and what not , but who cares about that when you are laughing your ass off! Fred Ward is great in this! :)


Are you kidding me? It's not even close, Toni all the way. She comes off as smart, caring and with a sense of humor. Oh did i forget to mention that she is incredibly beautiful.


Toni all the way!!!! I mean, Debbie is the hotter looking, but that's just looks - she as superficial as they come! I'd be bored ****less after 30 seconds.

And if you just look for 30 seconds at Toni, you must realise she's gorgeous too, and she's a charm!!


Can anyone say menage a trois?





The obvious solution to the four parents was so clearly a polyamorous relationship. Sadly those aren't much less taboo today than 25 years ago. I sure know of a lot in Seattle though...


Toni is soooooo hot, and she looks so good today.


toni.they say gentleman prefer blondes but god damn i love brunettes

"Take that you freaky peice of *beep*
you don't mow another man's lawn!" Roy Munson


Debbie. Though today I would choose Lori. In 2008 she looks the same as she did in 1985. Kelly Preston didn't age nearly as well.


No knock on Lori Loughlin -she's still gorgeous,but Kelly Preston is still very gorgeous too. Don't judge Kelly by movie roles -she's playing a part. She looks hot in all her tv interviews and red carpet apearances.Here's a picture of her from this past June,arriving at the "Regis and Kelly Show". Kelly is 46 years old and doesn't look near that old.






When I first watched this movie back in 1987 (I think) I fell in love with Lori Loughlin. Poor Toni, she's always there for the guy who can't see the great girl he has as a friend. Oh the blindness... I root a lot for Toni in the movie, some scenes bring water to my eyes like when Michael comes downstairs on her house after supposedly having sex with Debbie - she looks so sad. Debbie is very hot, no doubt about that; the original poster's question was not about the actresses (Kelly or Lori) but about their characters (Debbie or Toni) so the character I like the most is unquestionably Toni. She's my kind of date, too bad girls don't use that big hairstyle anymore (and thicker eyebrows) :p



"Debbie...I can overlook the personality thing."

Do you hear this Ladies ? BPD has confirmed it. Men don't give a flying frogs fat butt about personality. All they care about is looks. Blondeness especially. How sad, not to mention shallow. These types of men are condemned to a lifetime of lonliness after their youth wears off and NO women will glance twice at them anymore, because the serious, more cerebral non-Debbies of the world can sense their superficiality in an instant.


Wait, all men (half of humanity) are condemned by the offhand remarks of one guy on an IMDB message board? Perspective, please. If you read this whole thread, I think you'll see more comments preferring Toni BECAUSE of her better personality even from guys who find Debbie more attractive (which I don't).

Women can be pretty damn superficial too. I'm 5'7" and looked at the height requirements of women with online dating profiles in my area. Fully 50% rule me out based on height alone. I really couldn't care less about someone's height (other than maybe the mechanics of having sex with them, but that seems like a lesser issue for later in a relationship). I recently sent a "wink" to a girl who's 4'10" and she said no. She only wants to meet guys who are at least 5'11".


Agreed, KayEm. That one douchebag is an incredibly sad human being. And I'll bet in reality he could never get a girl like Debbie. That's why he posts comments like that on message boards. It's the closest he gets to making it a reality.

If the OP's asking who is physically more attractive, then Debbie, by a nose. But as soon as she opens her mouth I cringe. So IMO Toni is the more attractive girl, because she's the better person. Like Michael says, Debbie could be the hottest girl in the world for all he knew, but if he listened, the lights are on but nobody's home. I don't get how guys can like girls like that. She's nice to look at, but so vapid and dull. Appearances could change with age, personalities last much longer.

I only do it with superheroes.


Toni, hands down. I don't know why these movies always pretend the blonde is hotter just because they're blonde. American Beauty did it too, as did Truth About Cats & Dogs. Hey America: the emperor has no clothes. Blondes are not automatically hot.

I grew up with movies like this in the 80s, and one of the things that struck me catching it on TV tonight is how everyone in it is white--classic Reagan era nonsense, wishing the nation were all white or still pretending it was. More non-white people = fewer blondes. Yet we've no shortage of hotties of darker complexions.




Debbie by far!..There´s no question about it!...

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
