The guy you quoted has no idea what he's talking about:
"Nope: Both fighters come into the ring and attempt to slug it out with Rocky, when it’s clear that it’s damn near impossible to knock him out."
Except, Clubber Lang did exactly that, in the second round no less.
"Rocky is constantly surprised about the darker side of the business "
Say what? The only Rocky movie that deals with "the darker side of the business" is part V, and Rocky is never surprised about it, let alone "constantly." He's the one who is trying to warn/protect Tommy Gunn from "the darker side of the business."
"Rocky’s oddly monogamous marriage"
That whole paragraph is absurd. What statistics does he have regarding boxers and monogamy? Even if he had some actual evidence to support his assertions he negated his own argument when he wrote, "Are there boxers who honor their vows? Certainly."
He doesn't get the last paragraph right either. In Rocky II Rocky acted the same as he did in the first movie. It was Rocky III in which he was suddenly a lot more articulate. In IV he acted the same as he did in III, and in V, Stallone tried to play Rocky the way he did in the '70s, but he apparently forgot how and it came across as a parody of Rocky like you might see on SNL. In the final Rocky movie he acted more or less like he did in III and IV.