MovieChat Forums > The Quiet Earth (1985) Discussion > What would you do if you were all alone ...

What would you do if you were all alone in the world from now on?

I would walk naked all the time at summer. I would try not to get hurt since no one can save you, I would learn how to grow fruits and vegetables since no animals around as food sources, and learn how to generate and save electricity.

And I would never use candle to prevent from accidental burning, never do stupid things to keep away from dangers.


LOL guys, don't rely too much on cans. Try to eat canned food for more than 2 weeks and your liver will be crying for a doctor pretty soon, and also you will start to hate cans. If you were alone in the world it would be absolutely necessary for you to learn how to grow fruits/vegetables, otherwise you will need to find a good supply of all types of food, milk, water, etc. including a way to keep all that in cool temperature, meaning you will have to take care of electricity supply too. And not only for your food but also for yourself.

I don't think there will be much time for fun indeed... At least not at the beginning. After you take care of the food and energy supply you will need to master lots of stuff like medicine, mechanics, physics, meteorology, etc. Remember that you are alone and have to ensure your survival. No-one will be there to assist you and you cannot afford to get sick.


SHOPPING!!! I'm agoraphobic, so this kind of thing would take care of those pesky crowds for me!! I would hit the biggest mall within 100 miles, and start there. Those great candy stores...I'd box the whole thing up. Build a bear so I have someone to shop with me. Then clothes. Whatever I want!! Then I'll find the best jewelry stores in town and load up. I'd keep my wedding ring...but fill up a suitcase with other stuff. Then on to some real estate shopping. Huge, new, with a gourmet kitchen, a pool, several acres, a gym, and a great home theater. The next day I'd clean out every drug store in town of every med I take now (and wean off what I can eventually) and find every Redbox, Blockbuster, Walmart movie section, book section, and bring them home. Then I'd spend the next month eating Oreos and Xanax when I realized my family and friends were gone. If I got thru that without eating a bullet, I'd get busy learning how to take care of myself.
All that being said, if it's all the same to God or whoever, I'd just as soon be taken along with everyone else. Surviving is not living. No, thanks.


I'd plotz!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
