SHOPPING!!! I'm agoraphobic, so this kind of thing would take care of those pesky crowds for me!! I would hit the biggest mall within 100 miles, and start there. Those great candy stores...I'd box the whole thing up. Build a bear so I have someone to shop with me. Then clothes. Whatever I want!! Then I'll find the best jewelry stores in town and load up. I'd keep my wedding ring...but fill up a suitcase with other stuff. Then on to some real estate shopping. Huge, new, with a gourmet kitchen, a pool, several acres, a gym, and a great home theater. The next day I'd clean out every drug store in town of every med I take now (and wean off what I can eventually) and find every Redbox, Blockbuster, Walmart movie section, book section, and bring them home. Then I'd spend the next month eating Oreos and Xanax when I realized my family and friends were gone. If I got thru that without eating a bullet, I'd get busy learning how to take care of myself.
All that being said, if it's all the same to God or whoever, I'd just as soon be taken along with everyone else. Surviving is not living. No, thanks.