Can't keep it to three, not even five:
1. Love and Death -- Too many jokes for one Napoleonic Invasion to contain.
2. Crimes and Misdemeanors -- Martin, Jerry, Anjelica. How do you make murder a reasonable choice? Woody nails it.
3. Radio Days -- I re-ran Gina DeAngeles' scene 20 times. Literally. Still the funniest scene not in The Miracle of Morgan's Creek.
4. Stardust Memories -- Love the white space. And thirty years later, I still don't know how it ends.
5. Manhattan -- Great music, great city, great movie.
6. Broadway Danny Rose -- Terribly underrated movie. Great performance by Farrow, wonderful story about loyalty, betrayal, perseverance.
Honorable Mention: Annie Hall, September, Sleeper, Hannah and Her Sisters, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Take the Money and Run.