First one is by far my favorite.. Not because of Nancy though.. I get tired of the female lead in horrors its done too often.. and nancy plagued the NOES series so my second favorite was Freddy 2. Because we hardly ever get a good rounded horror film with a male lead.
It always goes to scream queens which is understandable I love female leads too, but I would like to see more male leads in horror films. Quite like how women dont really dominate action films they hardly ever get leads in actions films... But its a hard decision between 1 and 2 though.
I could equally say the second one was my favorite but the first one just beats it by a smudge in my book. It was easier to take in the first time without asking yourself a bunch of questions on what was going on. Second one you really had to pay attention or re watch it to understand somethings or to really get into it I felt.
I didn't really even care at all for the second one the first time I hated it... then I re watched it. So happy I did! It became an instant classic the second time I viewed it, because it made more sense. First one also seemed to have alot more blood and im a sucker for gore soo.... 1 takes the cake!