Which ANOES film is your favourite?

With the new remake announced, I would be really grateful if you could take the time to vote on your favourite of the previous films:


Thanks in advance


Highly unpopular opinion but my favourite one is the 2010 remake. Dark, scary, badass. Even though the original one is high up there too. Some elements though make it more comedic that I'd like it to be, e.g. when Nancy lays traps a la Home Alone to catch Freddy and Freddy's punchlines (which only got worse in the sequels minus AOES 2).

Freddy's greatest deception was by far in AOES 2 even if other elements of the film didn't work.


My favorite is the first A Nightmare On Elm Street.


Agreed. best is 1,3,5,4,2, have not seen 6 or New yet


New Nightmare is my favorite. Not only is it the best of the series but I'd also say one of the best sequels I've ever seen.


First one is by far my favorite.. Not because of Nancy though.. I get tired of the female lead in horrors its done too often.. and nancy plagued the NOES series so my second favorite was Freddy 2. Because we hardly ever get a good rounded horror film with a male lead.

It always goes to scream queens which is understandable I love female leads too, but I would like to see more male leads in horror films. Quite like how women dont really dominate action films they hardly ever get leads in actions films... But its a hard decision between 1 and 2 though.

I could equally say the second one was my favorite but the first one just beats it by a smudge in my book. It was easier to take in the first time without asking yourself a bunch of questions on what was going on. Second one you really had to pay attention or re watch it to understand somethings or to really get into it I felt.

I didn't really even care at all for the second one the first time I hated it... then I re watched it. So happy I did! It became an instant classic the second time I viewed it, because it made more sense. First one also seemed to have alot more blood and im a sucker for gore soo.... 1 takes the cake!


The 1st, the 3rd, and New Nightmare. The others weren't very good.

-I was born in a crossfire hurricane.
