Gay Undertones
I think it's now a well-known fact that there are a number of intentional homo-erotic and otherwise gay parts in this movie. When I first saw this movie, I was a teenager and I have to admit that I didn't even catch most of it. These days it's pretty obvious. the funny thing to me is that if you're looking for it to be gay, you can find a lot more things that are gay than the writers probably intended. Some of the obvious ones are things like the kid being whipped while he's in the shower, the S&M club, the gay coach, and all those things.
While I was watching the movie, my wife was pointing out more of these things that I don't believe we're necessarily intended to be gay, so I started to make a joke out of it and tried to make as many references as possible. It's amazing how many of these things you can come up with without even trying very hard.
I'm just expressing my opinion.
You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.