MovieChat Forums > Ladyhawke (1985) Discussion > Shocked by the music!

Shocked by the music!

Ladyhawke has always been a movie I wanted to see, as far back as 1985 when it hit the cinemas. Somehow I never went to see it. And I also never rented it on video...
But it was always on my "want to see" list... Until today...
The movie is actually playing in the background and I'm writing this.
I am completely turned off by the music!
How on earth do some people like this soundtrack?! It must be the WORST soundtrack ever made! It sounds like the McGyver Theme meets The Bold & The Beautiful Theme and its just unsuitable for a fantasy flick!
I'm not watching more of this movie... I cannot get past the music!

You... are... my... lucky lucky lucky star


I don't understand... I love the music! I think it's great. I always have.

This movie was released in 1985. Synth reigned supreme back then. I feel like the music for Ladyhawke fits the film like a glove. I give them props for breaking the mold and trying something different other than Celtic-type music for a fantasy film.

I think it works. How else would you score the film? It's completely cheesy and I think it's wonderful.

Oh well. To each their own I suppose.


How else would I score it? I’d score it like The Lord of the Rings, Excalibur, the Jerry Goldsmith score for Legend, the Night on Bald Mountain segment in Fantasia, Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyrie. I’d score it like other fantasy films.

Duh. I know: brain teaser, right?


Good choices. My own personal choice would be to score it like James Horner's music from Krull, my favorite 1980s fantasy score. Anything other than what we got in this film!



FUCK that. This soundtrack slaps.


I like the music, but the film was forgettable.
