MovieChat Forums > Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985) Discussion > why did Roy kill Lana and that one param...

why did Roy kill Lana and that one paramedic?

Those two had nothing to do with Joey getting chopped up. Sure the bald paramedic transported Tommy to the teen develeopment center but Lana had nothing to do with what went on at that place


You need to put a spoiler alert in your heading


bite me. the movie is old. Pretty sure EVERYONE has seen the movie already dozens of times before.


Thats no excuse. Any movie made after 1949, its appreciative to put spoiler alert in a headline



Spoilers for old movies is stupid. You Millsey should have already seen the fucking movie a long time ago by now just like the rest of us.


Roy was enraged, and by beating Jason's body count for any of his previous killing sprees gave him a bit of solace.
