MovieChat Forums > Enemy Mine (1985) Discussion > The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen!!

The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen!!

this is the stupidest movie ever made. the acting is terrible. i cannot even put into words how much this movie blows. my roomate and i are cannot keep from laughing at the terrible acting and overall stupidity of the film. that's all i have to say. if you have yet to see this film...make sure it stays this way, unless you are in need of a good laugh.


This was a good movie.

We put the FU back in FUN!!!!!!!!!


I saw it on AMC last night, thought it kinda sucked. It's based on a sci-fi short story I read a few years back, can't remember the author. Guy and alien crash on a planet and have to make friends. It was a very good short story, read SHORT story. This movie dragged on, needed some serious editing. Too bad, I thought it was going to be better than it was.


Yeah...this movie isn't that good. I watch it with my brothers whenever it's on's one of those horrible movies you have to watch, I think. Similar to Blacula and Scream, Blacula, Scream.





Oh my god! Janski01 both works in a movie theater AND is "majoring in film" somewhere! That means "AUTHORITY" when it comes to movies! You know, because he WATCHES SO MANY OF THEM! You know, like the fact that you eat every day, makes you an expert on all the nuances of cuisine.

Moron. Go back to writing letters to Quentin Tarantino telling him how badly you want to stick your tongue up his butt, because all "film majors" know KILL BILL ROXXORZZZ!!!! Cuz there wuz lotsa blood and fiting! And Uma Thurman IS SOOO HOT!!!1!!!1!!

I love how posters like Janski prove themselves to have the mental acuity of gravel when they JUST HAVE TO ANNOUNCE that a reasonably good movie is "The Worst Movie They've Ever Seen OGM OMG OGM!!!11" And "film majors" ALWAYS back up their baseless whining with oh so much evidence. Hey- maybe "Pokemon 2000" is on. You'll LOVE the subtlety in that.


I loved this movie when I was a kid in the 80s. I just watched it again, and I still think it's pretty good. Definitely not the worst movie ever. The worst movie ever--at least in the sci-fi genre--is "Stranded: Náufragos ".


It`s the movie of my childhood and it is so good even 20 years later. People who discribed this movie as the "worst ever"... I would like to hear, which sci-fi movie is better or the best of all in your oppinion. Why was the acting so bad? Through my eyes it was admiring good. Louis Gossett jr. has done an excellet job acting as an alien Drack. The story is better than any sci-fi until now, because it shows how can be movie interesting even without shooting (well, not for everyone). It shows the classic human relationship and his superiority to all other natural beings, nomatter in space or in Earth. And after the end it really makes you think. What I notice in sci-fi movies today, that most of them have a very very lousy story and it is much based on action and shooting itself. Very lame in my oppinion. I think it is time, to stop making more Alien and Predator movies, because the scenarios are more or less exhausted. No offence to scenario writers, I am their huge fane, but I think everything has been already said, so there is no need to warm up the cold soup.


i guess this is the kind of response you get from people who prefer watching 'classics' like spider-man, alien vs predator, and blade 3....

do yourself a favour - go watch some real movies.

Belief in a supernatural source of evil is unnecessary -We alone are capable of every wickedness



I think that Enemy Mine is a great movie, and the acting was just fine, it was great because it depended more on character development, than on some kind of CGI which as far as I know didn't exist back then. It was my favorite Sci Fi movie for many years.

... Love keeps her up when she oughta fall down... Mal


Dennis Quaid is awesomely bad in this. My film studies teacher apparently likes it and just about everyone just kept laughing through out the whole thing. Oh Mickey Mouse.. what clever trickery! I guess the moral is good with the whole friend/enemy thing. But it's really dated. Fun to watch at first, then bores me to sleep.

However I do like Jerry's gills.


"an excellent film... a masterpiece... the acting is very good..."
that has to be a joke.


Dennis Quaid have surely played better parts, but I think this is a great sci-fi that also for once has some deeper message into it. Not something you see a lot of, even after Enemy Mine.


Is there any chance the dicks who inevitably write how much they badly rate each and every movie on imdb could form their own club and whinge endlessly in complete freedom, and leave the rest of us alone? Come on I double dare ya you miserable pessimistic *beep* Flip, imagine being married to someone who cant live 5 minutes without putting someone down. This movie is cool.


at first I thought it was going to be a serious sc-fi movie, but it turned out to be entertaining in a cheesy-comedy kind of way...


Anyone that calls this the worst movie ever obviously hasn't seen The Brown Bunny. God that was the most self-obsessed pretentious piece of asscrap i've ever seen.

And yes, this is one of my favorite movies too. I grew up watching this movie as well as many others. The matte work, the acting, the music (especially at the end), and the make-up were extraordinary for its time. I'm not one of those people who watch movies for some visuals that i see and then say "whoa frickin' a!" I watch movies and appreciate them for their atmosphere and emotional output. You just watch some movies and get a singular feeling from them. That's the great thing about entertainment. Go back to watching your frat pack comedies and quoting them with your chach friends at keggers where several douchebags are in the front yard playing cornhole, you tool.

"Life is great. Without it, you'd be dead."


What makes this movie great isnt the special effects( cut them some slack, it was the 80s for gosh sakes) or the acting(which was really good). Its the message that makes this a great movie. Peace,love,understanding,and forgiveness are good things. War, violence, racism, hate are bad things.


If you watch this movie as a scifi it might be crap. I watched it as a movie where two completely different "people" are put together. If they want to live they must swallow their differences. If they won't they die. If you watch only the special "defects" you're gonna be bored out of your mind. Only thing is that this movie is not about effects. This has nothing to do with them. This isn't really a scifi movie. The space, technology and explosions have nothing to do with this. If you still don't get it. Watch something easier.


I havent seen this yet, but if it's worse than Jigsaw I will eat my shoes.


"The worst movie ihave ever seen"
Well hes not seen battlefield earth 3000 then,"iam a movie major" SO WHAT,so was many a crap director,I wish people like you would just go away and die,"OH NO it has hardly got any action in it " i hear him think,"but my god its actully got a story behind it and theres no fake kung fu slomo matrix crap,go away and watch your A,v,P blade 3,and all that crap thats used more money on C,G,I,than writers,With the M,T,V style editing and low atention span the likes of you Really enjoy,then use the top 250 list as a guide of witch movies NOT too watch.

Make it 300,motherfu....,then you got a race



Wow... solid reasons to hate the actual film :: rolls eyes ::


the only reason i stated that i was a movie major was because someone accused me of not knowing a good movie when i saw one. i was not trying to show off any authority. this was just some stupid post i posted in 3 in the morning. has anyone ever watched or done something in 3 in the morning that you thought was hysterical, but then realized that the only reason you are laughing is becuase it's 3 in the morning? i honestly couldn't tell you anything that happened in this movie, so who knows? maybe it is a good movie. everyone has their own opinion. two of my favorite movies are blade runner and dark city, so i do enjoy science-fiction. please everyone just calm down and not take everything so seriously.


it's on right now on cinemax... actually i think the channel is called Thriller Cinemax or dare I say Thrillemax. Anyways, I saw this movie when i was a little kid and I never liked it, but i was like 6 or 7 and back then my favorite movie was howard the duck, so I'm willing to give it a second chance. By the way I have to say Howard the Duck is probably the worst movie ever. All i remember about this film is Lou Gossett Jr. played some sort of crazy looking reptile that has a baby at some point. I never quite got that as a kid and to tell you the truth it still seem a little weird, but I think I'll smoke a bowl and hope for the best.

wow Dennis Quaid just called Lou a Toad Face and he's making weird guttural noises at him.... hmm, yeah definitely need to smoke a bowl before I attempt to watch this.



Movie is over. It was a little stupid actually and at times a little boring, but it had it's moments. That end with "tadpole" and Dennis Quaid made me weep uncontrollably. Actually, I watched it with some friends and someone called me a fag, so I threw a beer bottle at her head. She's dead now, but the Dracons live on in my memory and in my heart!


If you call this movie stupid, you probably don't get it. It is about two races, that in a time of war are stranded on a volcanic planet, and much work together to survive, over time they become friends, if not brothers.

The movie is a commentary of the day, Just because someone has a different skin color, beliefs, or ways of doing things, doesn't mean that we are to alienate them.

If you want to laugh at the movie, fine. But it means that you are closed minded in your beliefs and don't want to accept anothers way of thinking.

Someone posted that they would rather get shot in the face instead of watching this. Well, I've got my gun ready for you. While this movie isn't on a 'Star Wars' level, it proves one thing. That in the future our true enemy may just be ourselves...

Rating: 5 of 5 stars


