MovieChat Forums > Enemy Mine (1985) Discussion > The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen!!

The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen!!

this is the stupidest movie ever made. the acting is terrible. i cannot even put into words how much this movie blows. my roomate and i are cannot keep from laughing at the terrible acting and overall stupidity of the film. that's all i have to say. if you have yet to see this film...make sure it stays this way, unless you are in need of a good laugh.


Obviously you have never seen Dracula 3000.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! "Dracula 3000" is a masterpiece.

"This is your receipt for your husband... and this is my receipt for your receipt."


Obviously you have never seen more than 20 movies in your life then.
Just check out the IMDb bottom #100, this movie isn't even CLOSE!

-This is my John Hancock?



It did get some award nominations:


Man, what the hell are you talkin about, the acting was just fine... either both you and your roomate on the sameday woke up with a hangover watching that movie or both of you were smokin weed at the sametime.


I also think this was a horrible movie. The only reason I could watch the whole thing was because I thought it was hilarious. That, and I was in shock that such a horrible thing had been put on TV, even at 3:00 in the morning. I would rather be shot in the face than sit through that again.


It was so bad -- I couldn't stop watching it!...kinda like that old sitcom with the robot girl - "Small Wonder".....
this movie is ri-dic-u-lous! hahaha!


this movies pretty good...

if you want bad sci fi check out Battlefield Earth or the recent Hitchiker's Guide...

now those are BAD movies.


I really liked this film, its a bit old so maybe is dated for the under 30 generation. But i don't think so, since the history could be located in ancient Rome as well as in space.
Maybe the people who don't like this was expecting some great special effects, or great space battles, well...
This flick was not about this, is about people and racism or bigotry, about frindship.
I like films that are just fun, and i like films with meaning, and i think this one has both.


well. maybe it was kind of stupid making a movie about normal everydaylife sosial issues and shuw it in a weard childish sci-fi enviorment. To me it all comes out weard and ridicoulus.


May I remind you of Star Trek TOS? They took up everyday life sosial issues, and they succeeded without getting censored BECAUSE they showed it in a weird scifi enviroment...

The same goes with Enemy Mine.. A smart movie, I think.


I had the exact same thought coming on here. Sure, there are worse films out there, but few as painfully bad as this. Someone once said that sentimentality is unearned emotion, and that exemplifies every scene in the film. The message of the film is smeared across every scene. The hammy acting and laughable 80s synth score make it unbearable. Like that scene where the creature gets swallowed in the pit and the soundtrack goes DUN-DUN-DER! This film has a *beep* pregnant male alien, who then gives birth and leaves a human to raise this stupid Kreg who sounds like a spoilt English kid. Every element of the story is predictable, trite and banal. This is the worst written, directed, acted and scored film in my recent memory. I have no doubt that if I watched when I was 6 it would have seemed like the best thing ever, and most people probably have sentimental value attached to it, and it has a 'good' (if old, obvious and preachy) moral, but it is truly, truly, mind-boggingly terrible. Anyone who counts this as a great film must be unhealthily in love with the 80s.


Well. Hitchhikers Guide is reasonably good..

But Battlefield Earth, now there's a real stinker.. THAT I can agree upon

Enemy mine is a classic, a forgotten pearl:D


This is a frigging great movie.. Great acting, great story and great effects for that time.. And not too forget, great music by the late Maurice Jarre (Especially the Spring theme)

"I rather have a bottle in front of me than have to have a frontal lobotomy"



f u small wonder was good :D all hail vicki!


Let me get my gun!


This movie is also amazing while under the influence :P


What so bad or funny about this film?

It's 20 years old and a more cerebreal film that your average sci-fi flick. The story could have been in any century where two opposing sides are forced to work to gether in a remote location.


this movie was far superior than all 3 of the new star wars, so eat it.


Yeah right, all three of the Star Wars, the first two I get, but were you sleeping during the third?

This movie is at the level where it simply rates average.
Anyone that thinks it's bad is seriously judgemental, otherwise they've seen too many Mel Gibson flicks, and now have been jaded by the vanilla.

"Teh" is simple "teh" best typo ever.


Enemy mine is a great film, but this is a ridiculous comment.

Obsessed much?


Well I don't know about it being better than Star Wars but it WAS a good film.
It isn't about the action.
I guess you guys who hated it never heard of those 2 words.
Movie's can be more than just Action, Action, Action.
There has to be an "Emotional Backbone" to the Story.
That's what StarWars and Enemy Mine have succeded in.
It isn't all Killing, Action, War (Even for StarWARS).


I agree with you on this, Enemy mine was an excelent film,
first time I watched it I just put the TV on at night,
it hooked me through the whole film...

And being better then the new star wars films, yes I agree,
not one of the new Star Wars films kept me as hooked on the screen as well as enemy mine did.

The original Star Wars Trillogy was great, but the prequels, not anywhere near as good, they were made for the MTV generation, no brain cells left to think with, all they want is to show pretty effects...


Since he only allowed it to be shown in theatres with good sound systems half a dozen of the graceful old movie palaces in my city plunked down the coin for new sound systems.

Thank you George Lucas. This is the only reason I saw SW 4 -- which sucked pretty bad. It was my payback to you for getting those sound systems upgraded.


I agree that the acting is poor and also think the special effects leave a lot to be desired. Also, the concept is somewhat tired. However, this is how SF movies should be in a sense. It's miles better than Star Wars or Independence Day for a start. In fact, it's one of the best SF movies i've ever seen.


It wasn't that bad... maybe kind of boring mostly around the beginning, but other than that it was pretty good.


This is the type of film were the veiwers are in it for the character dynamics. I really love this movie, so this might be a bit biased. The acting was fine, the story decent, graphics fine for the time, I think... overall nothing wrong with it. An average sci fi, with a bit extra.

Oh, and bad acting? Ever seen Troll II... worst acting EVER!

"Flag on the moon. How'd it get there?" -Coleman Francis, The Beast of yucca Flats


Oh, and bad acting? Ever seen Troll II... worst acting EVER!

*lol* Oh man.....

"Nilbog is goblin spelled backwards!"

God.... that movie sucked.


I wonder how you can say those things about this wonderful film. I watched hundreds of SF movies from 5 decades but Enemy Mine is definitly the best of all of them.


Nope. IMO that would be 2001.


What sci fi does a moron like you think is good? You seem like a 5th element type to me. To say this movie is stupid tells everyone that you have no clue what a good movie is..


Great Scifi Movie. I caught it on tv back when I was in highschool, and have been searching for the title of this movie ever since. Today while at work (Blockbuster Video) I got in a shipment of videos and on top of the pile was Enemymine. My co-workers couldnt figure out why I was so excited to see a sci-fi movie from the 80's. I bought it immediately and just finished watching it. I'm so happy to have found it again.


Blockbuster Video Employee and Movie Fanatic



Apparently you've never seen Manos: The Hands of Fate.

But this is HDTV. It has a higher resolution than life.- Fry, Futurama


Roommates? I think i'll wait for the opinion of someone not still in short pants for their opinion.



somehow after reading your comment i feel this is a nice example for the idiom "The Pot Calling The Kettle Black"
