MovieChat Forums > Enemy Mine (1985) Discussion > Dennis Quaid's performance in this movie...

Dennis Quaid's performance in this movie...

...reminded me a lot of Harrison Ford.
Anyone else get that?


Just watched this movie for the second time in my life, i remember really enjoying it as a child , seems i was a good judge of films then too, the special affects have stod up very well against time, better then most including starwars which costs 10 times more..

the story is unusally in that it reflects to enermys becoming friends instead of mindless killing with lasers...

Dennis Quaid`s performance was superb , a mention also for Louis Gossett Jr
as his role was difficult and it takes two people to make a good scene

This film is let down slightly by some of the weird creatures on the planet but for 1985 affects u can forgive some rough edges... what really let this film down in the acting or writting department is the savengers one of which is played by Brion James who to my knowlegde hasnt given a good performance since he pretended to be an actor on his first casting, and im giving him the benifit of doubt there too...

its a shame you cant take out some of the bad scenes ie.. the last 20min and redo them as i wouldnt like to see a remake of this film as dennis quaid did a great job ...(maybe in the last years of the 21st century youll be able to do that.. or maybe youll be stuck on a moon.. hmm)

My verdict this film is a must see for sci-fi fans... most classic sci-fi films start with a picture of space and a voice over.. dune..superman..forbidden planet ,this is one of them grab popcorn and enjoy!!


From what I hear, Quaid can sing too. If I remember right, Davidge sang a rendition of Midnight Special in the film. Too bad we were not able to hear the whole thing.


Havent seen quaid in a movie in a while least a movie that was worth remembering.. looking at his film bio he seems to have a lot in production, shame he doesnt take on more roles like this one ... theres not many new sci-fi films coming out that ive seen that take you on a journey to a different time far away, and place you in a `what if that was me` senario, i like films like this myself gets u thinking also removes you from your daily life,job etc etc... we need more films that are entertaining but also allow the viewer to escape a little into the plot... seems most of the stuff coming out of hollywood are made for all action family viewing which has its place but we have been overloaded with it in my opinon in recent years.

I dont know if writers out there are just collecting scenes,plots dialog from older movies that have worked (made alot a dosh !) but it would be refreshing for someone to put a blank sheet down and start from a prospective of what they would find involing or different with regards to sci-fi , granted alot of storys ,plots and dialog have been done and is hard not to replocate, but this is sci-fi anything is possible they just need to open there mind,but i could be wrong probably more lightly the hollywood producers arent taking `risky` new ideas and sticking with what the know the mass`s will pay to watch, but you only need to look at some of the voted for by the public top movies of all time,some didnt make alot of money when first released but now have a cult following such as the shawshank redemption and senrity.

Theres been alot of remakes recently also which nearly always follow the original story and plot, i dont understand this myself why take succesful movies and clone it,because we all know the story already were just pointing out the flaws in the remake basically.. why not remake the film but change the story... wow a break through in ideas !! could they not take the basis of a good movie and make a fresh one,with a completly different story and plot just a thought or maybe they will do that once they run todays clone remakes


"Just watched this movie for the second time in my life, i remember really enjoying it as a child , seems i was a good judge of films then too, the special affects have stod up very well against time, better then most including starwars which costs 10 times more.."

Emmm, maybe you should watch star wars and enemy mine again.. lol... Effects on Star Wars are much better than in enemy mine, even though enemy mine was done a year later than the last star wars episode. Note that i'm not saying effects on enemy mine are poor, i'm just saying that ones in star wars are much better.


i was only comparing them really on money spent doing the special effects.. star wars effects are alot better and rightly so for the money they spent, im only pointing out this film cost a fraction of what star wars did and if you compare how well there effects are with money spent this film did a better job.. i perfer this film and starwars to the new ones they threw out, apart from making the sabers look awesome watching them again the whole thing does look like a computer game which i dont think the makers of starwars were intending..anyway that aside this film is really about the story more then effects...


This movie has more power and substance in it than any star wars film can ever have........Im sorry. I admit the second have of the film was like something made for tv. It seemed rushed and poorly executed, but the first half of the film was brilliant!!! Star wars just isnt as strong as this film in my opinion and should not compare to Star wars. Just remember when you speak about special effects in films: That which glitters aint gold!!!! In other words dont rely on special effects to make a film cause thats when you fail miserably! Star Wars is one of the most OVERATED franchises in film history. I admit episodes 3, 5, and 6, are good but thats about it. Im just sick of people putting Star Wars on this godly pedastil when there are better sci fi films out there that just didnt have the HUGE budget as Star wars did and didnt look as pretty, but would bury Star Wars' ass when it came to the story department......


I did like both Dennis Quaid's performance as well as Lou Gossett Jr.'s.
But, as to special effects: I agree with the idea that all that glitters is not gold.
My case in point is Fright Night. that is a great, rather campy, little 80's jewel that succeeds in my mind as a psychological thriller until the special effects people began to spatter the fake blood, etc., around.
I know that is another movie and another board, but it is the story that is important, the actors, and the director. The special effects are just gravy!!


Effects on Star Wars are much better than in enemy mine

Sorry, old post but...

Maybe you should watch Star Wars again...

All three episodes in the series suffer from flawed special effects.

Sure, they were dazzling to younger eyes, but seeing TIE Fighters literally appear out of nowhere in the middle of the shot is very flawed (to be nice to Lucas).

Seeing giant randomly shaped quadrilaterals for the matte squares in IV in almost all of the TIE Fighter shots is very flawed.

Seeing wide fat ass matte borders on the speeders in VI was also very flawed.

If you actually watch the original films and not the Special Edition versions, you will notice tons of special effects errors.

That is exactly why Lucas remade them - as he realized that his effects were nowhere near as good as the ones in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

It's really sad to see people mention Star Wars as if they had perfect special effects - when each of the films had visible flaws. Of the films, Empire Strikes Back had the fewest that I can remember - until you think about the asteroid belt scenes and the wildly careening asteroids. If they were moving around that much, they would have pulverized each other into dust long before our intrepid heroes arrived on scene and needed to dodge them.


"...reminded me a lot of Harrison Ford.
Anyone else get that?"

Quaid's character through the first half of this movie seemed so much like Han Solo in Star Wars IV that for much of the movie I imagined it actually -was- Han Solo before he met Luke, Ben, or Chewbacca. Aside from references to Earth, of course.


I recently stumbled across this movie again, and watched it for the first time in 20 years or so...

I can see what you mean about Harrison Ford at that time. However, it might have been a nice performance at the time, it almost seems cliche and too 80s in hindsight. I'm sorry, but my sight is tainted by the progress of movies.
I dunno if it's his character or what it is, but I thought that atleast the first 30-40 minutes his character was extremely pathetic and overacted.

Oh well... I guess one should just listen to the good old advise never to revisit past joys.


Within ten minutes I was already wondering which movie had been made first as Quaid seemed very Han-Soloesque (not a word) this was cemented when he was being dragged into the sarlac pit/subterranean crocodile monster and was saved by his friend who in a frenzied moment has to shoot right near him to save him.

I have no qualms with this, just thought it was worth noting.

I eat Lions


...reminded me a lot of Harrison Ford.
Anyone else get that?

yup he even kinda sounds like him



i agree. wow, i thought it was just me.


Yes, for sure. I also felt like he was almost a 1976 Harrison Ford in InnerSpace also.
