MovieChat Forums > Day of the Dead (1985) Discussion > the best of the original 3?

the best of the original 3?

personally, this is my favorite of the original 3. does anyone else feel this way?




Day is good, but Dawn is my favorite of Romero's original 3.


Agreed best of the three. The opening score and scenes were some of the best I've seen.


1] Night of Living Dead
2] Day of Dead
3] Dawn of the Dead

I don't really get people's attachment to the original Dawn of the Dead. The remake was much, much better imo


I have a similar feeling about them. I watched Night of the living dead in the early 70's and it was by far the scariest of the original Romera movies for me. Most likely do the era and my experience in horror movies at the time. But on more recent viewings, I feel it holds up well.

Day and Dawn I like pretty much the same. The remake on Dawn I loved, more so than the original.

I love zombie movies in general, and can't say I'm terribly picky. I'm not super fond of comedy ones, with the exception of Shaun. I like the series TWD and absolutely adored the not zombies, but infected from 28 days later.


I used to think Dawn of The Dead was the best, but now I prefer Day much better.

"No more deals child, it is your flesh we want to experience, not your skill at bargaining."


Night will always be my favorite, but it's easy to say this is my second favorite. The comic book goofiness weighs Dawn down too much, especially in Romero's cut. Day brings the tension and claustrophobia of the original that made it so effective as an apocalypse film back, and also tops the gore/special effects of Dawn by a country mile.

Night and Day are infinitely rewatcable to me, whereas Dawn is one of those once in awhile mood kind of things. There's just too much nonsense in it.


I agree with every word that you wrote.


I'm with you, only got to watch Dawn and Day recently, and I enjoyed Day of the Dead more than the other two.

Special FX are a LOT better on this one, all zombies are worked on with more dedication, unlike Dawn that only had a few zombies that looked really good. Most of them only had the gray make up on the face, the hands weren't even painted.

Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died.


I think this is the best of the series.


No its not the best in the series it does have the best special effects of the original 3 Dead movies but that doesn't necessarily mean that its the best in the series

