MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Do you wish you were back at highschool?...

Do you wish you were back at highschool? Or glad that it is over?

I just watched The Breakfast Club, and it obviously reminded me a lot of highschool (with its "highschool hierarchy", bullies, teachers with no sense of humor etc.) which was in the 1990s for me. It gave me the feeling that I am glad that I don't have to go to highschool anymore.

Did you also get this feeling from watching The Breakfast Club? Or did you get the opposite feeling, that you would love to go back in time to the years of highschool?



I bet people's answers are in direct correlation to who they MOST related to in HS. I'd be curious to know that along with everyone's answer as well of their years. Mine was (1990-1994).

Although I'm a woman, I probably most related to Brian. For me, I wouldn't go back. It wasn't a bad experience, per se. But, my focus was ONLY on my grades, so I didn't socialize beyond school so there's nothing to miss. I made up for it in college, so I'd consider that over HS.

You people are the disease, but I've got the cure. ~Morgan on "Chuck"




I wouldn't go back to high school. Adulthood gives you a lot more freedom and money. I'm 21, so obviously I'm broke at this age, but in high school it was worse. I didn't have a job so it was only school clubs for me. They were fun but the weekends were slow except for youth group. I didn't hate everyday of high school but no one wants to go back.


Who the heck would want to relive high school? I have much more fun as a 30 year old than I ever did as a teenager. I've got money, wheels, free time, and more.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


I miss high school in a nostalgic way, like I miss the friends I'd hang out with and just the feeling of not needing to have to work for a living like I do now. Still, not sure I'd want to redo high school, but college I'd redo in a heartbeat.


No way...I did not like high school because it seemed like everyone around me took it too seriously and kept saying "this will be the greatest time in our life" and I just thought that was far, college has been the greatest time...

I especially would not want to go back to high school in this day in age...when I graduated, cell phones were just becoming popular but not many of them had cameras and there was no Facebook or Twitter...the only way to cyberbully someone was on AIM, and all that person had to do was not add that person to their "buddy list" or just "ghost" and only talk to the people you want to talk to...

"This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."

