When Marty first meets Doc at the mall we get a dramatic reveal of the truck opening and the delorean backing out with lots of steam.
Why was Doc in there? How long was he in there? What was the point?
I understand he had a remote control to drive the car in and presumably one to open and close the truck door but why was he inside the delorean? He cant get out of the delorean and there was a lot of steam plus all that carbon monoxide buildup is dangerous!
Any interviews or clips that shed some light on this? Or am I missing something obvious?
If you want a logical in-story explanation, then a good one might be the following:
It had been earlier in the evening before Marty showed up and so Doc Brown didn't want to attract suspicion and attention by tinkering with his futuristic contraptions, and depositing plutonium into the flux-capacitor while wearing a radiation suit while patrons were leaving the Twin Pines Mall (or is it "Lone Pine", I forget) upon it's closing. Once we reach the point in the story where Marty arrived, the coast is obviously clear, and he doesn't see the need to return to the truck to refuel. Plus, Marty is filming the process for posterity.
Of course, nowadays, his experiments wouldn't fly at any hour at that location, but it was simpler times without covert CCTV everywhere in commercial districts. He just needed to wait till it was late enough.
That's really all there is to it. The function of the box truck is obviously as a mobile garage.
I suppose you could also deduce that Doc Brown was inside jerking off and imagining the possibilities regarding all the tail he's about to receive throughout history with the confidence of being the all-time greatest scientist in human history. He could probably go back and bang Cleopatra if he so desired, and live like a Pharoah for a week.