"What did I tell you? Eighty eight miles per hour!" makes no sense
Why would Doc be so joyous about the SPEED, instead of the time machine actually WORKING?
I mean, would he be completely depressed and felt like a failure, if it had happened at 87 miles per hour?
What difference does it make, AS LONG AS IT WORKS?!
It makes no sense for Doc to be so extatic about the WRONG REASON! He should be so happy that IT WORKED, not that it worked at exactly 88 mph!
It makes no sense.
Not that much about this story makes any sense anyway - for example, it's a time machine. The Libyans are gone. Why would Marty cry?
He has a.. let me reiterate.. WORKING TIME MACHINE and fuel for it, he knows how to install the fuel and how to operate the time machine.
Why would he cry about ANYTHING, when he can always go back in time and just fix it? Doc CAN'T DIE as long as Marty is alive with a functional time machine and plenty of fuel for it!
Marty just sobbing, as if 'everything is lost' because he couldn't save Doc on his _FIRST_ attempt, just doesn't make sense. Ok, Doc died THIS TIME, go back in time and try again, you have a FRGNRGHING TIME MACHINE RIGHT THERE, the plutonium is right there, the radiation protection suits are right there, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?
That the Doc read the letter and decided to wear a vest (as hare-brained as it is to ONLY go that far, instead of RE-THINKING the whole thing where he not only dangered Marty's life (multiple times) with that invention, but also the whole space-time continuum, making huge changes in history and all that) is IRRELEVANT, that the Doc 'didn't die after all' is IRRELEVANT.
Marty can go back in time multiple times to save Doc, he can go back to 1950s and tell Doc to abandon the time machine plan, it being so dangerous, he can go back to 1970s and explain what's going to happen, he can go and prevent himself from ever meeting Doc and so forth and so on (and this would be a more interesting story anyway, how would Marty do it? Must be numerous ways).
In any case, not much about this movie makes any sense, but TIME TRAVEL is the one thing that DOES make sense, why are all these trollers always trying to derail the truth I am telling?
It's hard enough to communicate with these clumsy methods - words, text, advanced animal utterances (speech), we don't need additional layers of obfuscation and stupidity on top of that. Sheesh.
People on this planet make no sense..