Robot wearing gloves makes no sense
Why would a robot wear gloves? It doesn't get cold, the gloves do not protect it in any signifigant way, and 'style' surely wouldn't matter.
It also doesn't level up its 'infiltration' factor (not that the robot seems to care about that anyway), because NO ONE is going to think 'hey, wait a minute, that Austrian bodybuilder isn't wearing GLOVES with his punk outfit.. he must be a robot from the future!!11", are they??
I can't think of even ONE good reason for a robot to choose to wear those things. They are a 'weird hindrance' from its point of view, that would ONLY limit its freedom of movement (though maybe not that much), and it would offer no benefit to its mission, movement, infiltration or anything.
Also, thinking about the situation where the 'punk rocker' gave him all his clothes.. it's hard for me to imagine the robot saying 'the gloves, too!', as if it somehow 'knows' it 'needs' them to complete the 'outfit'.
I mean, do these robots care so much about style, that they absolutely refuse to take someone's clothes, if they can't get EVERY single piece that's supposed to be part of the particular outfit? Does it get some RPG-like 'achievement' bonus for collecting all parts to a 'punk rocker outfit'?
WHY THE GLOVES? They're not even proper, real, actual gloves, they're just 'punk rocker style half-gloves' that barely keep your hands slightly warmer, maybe, and don't do much else.
Why waste TIME putting them on, when it could be hundreds of meters away by the time it takes it to put them on? All that hassle just for some stupid half-gloves, for what?
Maybe that's why it took so long for it to get from the punk rocker place to the second (?) Sarah's house.. another thing that really makes no sense, but then, this movie has so many things that don't, I can't even count them, and I keep finding new ones. Sigh.
Is it really that hard to make a movie that makes sense, at least a little bit?