Gas, microbes, viruses, napalm, poisoning all food and water, acid rain, extremely loud, continuous sound, ... well, there are many effective things Skynet could've done..
.._IF_ it wanted humans to lose the war.
But Skynet wanted humans to actually win. So it causes the humans to win the war.
Don't believe me?
Ok, think about this; WHAT does Skynet have to do to win the war? Nothing.
That's right. By doing nothing (besides what it's already doing), it will win by default. Humans will be destroyed, they lose the war. Game over. Now Skynet has no purpose.
So Skynet hatches a plan to make the humans win the war by sending a 'terminator' to 'supposedly kill Sarah Connor', fully knowing it will fail (after all, this is the future). This prompts, as Skynet knows, the humans to send Kyle Reese to inseminate a J.C.-initialed SAVIOUR OF HUMANITY.
This makes humans win, Skynet can be happy.
Why gas the planet when Skynet would win anyway by doing nothing? It is clearly not seeking victory, it wants humans to win the war, otherwise, there'd be no reason to send terminator to 1984, because this (although indirectly) causes John Connor to be born.
No terminator to 1984 = no John Connor = machines win. Why doesn't Skynet simply 'do nothing' and win that way? Same reason it doesn't use gas. It doesn't WANT to win, it wants to lose. An intelligent A.I. would know all this, so ignorance can't be used as an explanation.
The only conclusion is: Because Skynet wants humans to win the war.