MovieChat Forums > Splash (1984) Discussion > Nudity in a PG movie?

Nudity in a PG movie?

So my friend and I just watched through this film as I havn't seen it since it was a child and were suprised with the ammount of nudity considering the movie is only a PG.

On many ocasions throughout the film (probably over 10 times) you can clearly see the mermaids boobs. What were they thinking when they rated this film? Did they just think that people wouldn't notice or something?


What were they thinking when they rated this film? Probably that brief glimpses of breasts presented in a tasteful, completely non-sexual way was not something to get hysterical over and that people would be mature enough to handle it, which clearly the OP is not.

"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."


The Bounty was PG, and it has hundreds of naked girls for most of the movie. Quite surprising I must say. Anthony Hopkins and tons of other famous stars, Liam, Daniel Day Lewis, and Mel Gibson are all in it. There was no PG-13 back then I suppose.


This was the 80s, the last decade where we didn't have so many PC Police and Liberals crying about everything. It really wasn't a big deal then and it shouldn't be now. PG-13 was created soon after this when Red Dawn came out about 6 months later. I like how so many people act like nudity is such a big deal especially in todays world where it seems like everybody is offended by something but yet nobody seems to have any morals left and are so desensitized.


Liberals? Seems like it's more likely to be conservatives, especially the religious right, that get up in arms about things like this.


Well yeah. This topic is old but it reminds of how little PG-13 was used back when it was first introuduced. Beetlejuice had an fbomb in it and yet despite the PG-13 rating existing it still got a PG. In today's world, Beetlejuice would've gotten a PG-13. The sexual humor in it would warrant a PG-13 in today's world too. Also would've pointed out if I had seen this topic 10 years ago on imdb, that Swamp Thing which was made 2 years before this had a scene where it showed a woman's boob and it got a PG.


It was a different time. People weren't so eager to be offended and there was no internet to post how triggered you were about things.


Even the Victorians would laugh at how uptight people are in the 21st century.


I would bet everything I own and will ever own that no minor has ever been traumatized or harmed in any way by having a brief glimpse of Daryl Hannah's buns or boobs with nips hidden. People really need to lighten the fuck up.
