Cambodia under the K.R. was the closest man has come to pure communism
I think the closest mankind has ever come to the kind of communist "Utopia" the leftists and Marxists want was "Democratic Kampuchea", i.e. Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge government, which was in power from 1975 to 1978. They made everybody equal, by moving all city-dwellers out to the countryside, so that nobody had an advantage over the rural peasants. They also eliminated (i.e. killed) anyone with an "unfair" advantage, like having an education or being able to speak a foreign language. Capitalism was banned, so there was no competition, only everybody working together for the common good. Private property was banned also, so nobody could have their own food, only what was provided by the collective. In order to avoid starvation, then, people had to eat insects and lizards, and drink cow blood. Oh, and one more thing. There was no money. Since everyone was cared for by the state, there was no need for it. They had huge money bonfires.
Watching The Killing Fields and reading about what the Khmer Rouge did is an excellent way to see what happens when the leftists get their way. Anyone who wants to use government force to make everyone equal and to eliminate private property and money and capitalism, is fighting for another "Democratic Kampuchea".